I wondered how long it would be before Amie shared her new bed in front of the fire. I think it took a few hours before Mew found it. Amie and Mew share nearly everything, except Amie's cookies and at the moment Amie's most treasured possession, her bone given to her by Chops, our daughter's pup.

When the postman calls, I always know, he tends to bang the cottage gate shut. LOUDLY !
A kind of postman's knock.
I can't moan at him, he tends to bring me such great gifts through the posts.
The above quilt hanging is a belated Christmas present from Allie.......
I know when making something, you tend to put your heart and soul into making what ever it is your doing to make it perfect. This is... really perfect. Lots of love .......... goes into making something so Perfect.
Allie even has a bee on here, around the cottage garden there are bee boxes. At one time there even used to be a hammock... I have a Torbay palm too. No crab though. I have to go a couple of miles down the road, by the seashore to find them.
I think the boat might be to remind me, as if I need reminding, not to ever travel by boat ..... THANK YOU ALLIE ................... treasure, you and this perfect gift.

It's about time this blog had some colour on it....
This morning, there was the BANG again... ah ! postman's knock....
I have recently joined a very new blog.... Houseelf Doings.... you will love it....
This lady not only has flair, but she is very good at archaeological digs.
If I dig anything up in the garden around the cottage, I always know who to ask about it.
Another beautifully quilted square, made with love. I have to add here, to please Houseelf Doings that the square was designed by Stephanie of Loft Creations.

Digging time in the garden isn't far off.
Soggibottom is somewhere over the hill. I'm sure I have taken this view before !
There are many days during the year I stop and think how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful place in the world.
It might seem a bit bleak in early Spring, but I know why I live here. I love the seasons of the changing year.... no place better to be in Spring than Devon.
I just love living here.
This is only the start of the year, early Spring.

To be truthful, these are the one's that arrived just before Christmas. But to me, a lamb is a lamb. If it's fluffy, has four legs then it obviously needs feeding.

Valentines day on Monday.
I have been asked by a water nymph I know to say "he is a romantic at heart".

As for Amie and Mew.... Mew won.

Amie was lifted up into her normal place, to dream the day away.....

I'm going to be away from blogging for a few days.
Too many things to catch up with.
Hope you all have a fantastic Valentines day.
If you want a rose, then you can borrow one of mine.
BUT I WANT IT BACK ... x x x
Any time, I'm in no hurry.
Midge what a sweet post. Amie and Mew look so cute together on her new bed. Your roses are beautiful and I bet they smell wonderful too. Happy Valentine's Day! Hugggs!
What a beautiful post you have done! Your two quilts are so pretty - would love to be able to do that. And so sweet to see Amie and Mew together. Looks like Amie was all tired out today.
Your water nymph knows how to treat you well:) Hope you are busy doing fun things.
My dog always gets the spot, he is bigger, but he also hates it when one of the kitties tries to cuddle, he doesn't trust them or their claws, lol.
Love the green shades in the hills.
I cannot imagine there's a kitty alive who could resist Amie's rug - so good of Amie to share! Glad you like your beach, sweetie. Stay off the boat. Lovely cupcake from Houseelf!
Love the pic of the fields, the grass looks like green velvet - yes you do live in a beautiful part of the world!
Almost forgot - LOVE my button, thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh, what beautiful stuff in your blog post. The roses, dog, cat, lambs, and your mail; all lovely things. Enjoy your days away.
Wonderful gifts in the mail and I can see that Amie knows it's always nice to share. Thanks for the rose I shall return it. I do hope they are the fragrant kind...
Lucky you, our postman rarely brings such treats!
Despite Mew winning the battle of the rug, I suspect Amie got the better deal!
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!
Beautiful Amie and Beautiful Mew!! Awwww they're adorable!!
What fabulous pressies!!! Yay for the postman's knock!!
Awwww enjoy your break with your water nymph and wonderful lambs! Thanks for the rose, will return asap! :-) Take care and Happy Valentines!
love the two quilts.
I thought Mew might win you know what cats are like
Have a creative and romantic break Midge. Glad the cupcake arrived so quickly. I've crossed it off the WIIGT list. :-) Love the beach scene- just what you need at the mo some sunshine.
Such pretty roses. Love lambs too- so soft coated. I miss the bottle fed ones at this time of year living in a town now.
Happy valentines. Your very lucky getting things in the post. I don't seem to have blogged for ages but, other things keep getting in the way. I really must though cos there has been changes going on here.
I would love a rose! And I don't know if I would give it back:) Such lovely photo's, and you are lucky to live in such a gorgeous place. Have a nice break and come back soon!!!
Great post! Love all the pics! Hope you had a fun Valentine's Day!
So much love radiating from your blog. We feel hugs across the world.
Little Ames and Mew beed some kisses from us- so here we blow them.
Gorgeous quilts ,, gorgeous springy weather.
What a lovely post it left me smiling , thankyou !
How nice to receive such lovely gifts from blogging friends. I have met some of the nicest people thru my blog.
Spring is my favorite time of year and I look forward to sharing it with you. I can't wait to see what starts blooming in your part of the world.
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