My friend Janice has just given me 10 out of 10 for a jar of fudge I made over Christmas.
As she is one of the best cookie and cake makers I know, I felt really good.
So thought you might like to try it yourself.
Really easy, but the pan and the fudge mix does get
very very hot, so be warned, maybe not one for children to try (the bigger ones should be fine).

225 Grams of
Clotted Cream (8oz)
The Cream above obviously comes from Devon,
as long as its clotted cream
that's fine............ *
275 Grams of
Castor Sugar (10 oz) / Superfine Sugar
100 Grams of
Golden syrup (3. 1/2 oz)/ Light Molasses
1/2 teaspoon of
Vanilla essence......
whisky, or
rum and raisin, .....
what ever your imagination can run to for flavouring.

Put the sugar, cream and golden syrup in a large heavy saucepan and heat
GENTLYStir until the sugar has dissolved.
Then cover it and bring it to the boil for three minutes.

Remove the saucepan lid and continue to boil
GENTLYuntil the temperature reaches
116 c/240 F.
Remove the pan from the heat and now for the best bit.
BEAT IT until the mix becomes thick and creamy. Then add the flavouring.
Beat again and pour into a greased and lined tin. Leave until set. Don't be tempted to mess around with it as its still hot.

The one above has walnuts as a flavouring.
Leave it to set
I put it in the fridge for a couple of hours after it had cooled down.
Cut it into square pieces.
After you have tried some and if you have any left store in an airtight container.
Healthy eating,
defiantly NOT!
*Clotted Cream.Is made by gently heating rich unpasteurized milk, until a semi solid layer of cream forms on the surface. After cooling the thickened cream is removed. ... Clotted Cream....
Don't you take things for granted that are
in front of you at the supermarket?
I hope that the revised Cream Fudge Recipe helps.... Michele