This might not appeal to everyone so I will forgive you for clicking away.
This was my
Great Grandmother's Wedding Present.
It has a
Mappin stamp and number on the bottom.
In 1858, (or thereabouts) Johnathan
Mappin invited his brother in law George Webb into his silversmith business. Becoming
Mappin and Webb.
Mappin and Webb had a Royal Warrant in 1897 ( they still make things for the queen).
All that, and all it ever means to me is that I remember it sitting on a shelf when I was small.
It tends to come and go in the cottage, relegated to the attic. Then it comes down again, has a clean and is put on the shelf.
It should have a glass dome over the top, unfortunately, one of us (NO MENTION WHO)
accidentally knocked it and it shattered.
Pleased it wasn't me that broke it !
Lots of things in our attic, probably enough to fill another couple of cottages.

We've had a new rug up there for ages, tucked away out of the view of the moths.
We have a bet on how long it will take muddy wet paws to give it a make over, or half a sticky dog chew sticking to it. Amie only ever sucks her chews which make them something you would rather not find in one piece.
Or possibly a dirty old catnip mouse or
something the cat has brought in tucked away under the table.

Still not sure about the white on the fireplace wall.
Suggestions for another colour would be welcome. We are both painted out for this week.
Before anyone asks about Amie. She does move occasionally.