I keep getting asked when the next
Soggibottom pattern will be on here, so here it is.

I know that some of you are wary of joints and eye's and putting on ears and cutting out patterns but this
soggibottom bunny I promise you....... is an easy little tot.
As usual I haven't given written instruction, but if you have a problem as I know some did with the rag doll a while ago, email me and I will try to help.

The first pattern is one that uses gussets...oh my word disaster, what are they ?
They are the bits that go between the ears and the tum on the bun.
Sorry for the pun !
There are no paw pads and foot pads to worry about here, the legs and arms are sewn together without having to use any. Notice there is a dart on the head. I have made a dot on the pattern where I have put the eye, but it is entirely up to you if you place it lower or higher.
TIP about the gusset, sew up from the bottom of the neck up to the nose. Then place the middle of the gusset to the middle of the nose, sew backwards towards the neck on one side. Then go and do the same thing, nose to neck on the other.
With the body gusset sew the back (leaving an opening to stuff your bun) to the bottom of your bun. Place the middle of the gusset like you did the nose to the middle of the buns middle. Sew one side and then sew the other. This should make the pattern accurate. Use nice strong thread, small back stitches. Aim to sew just a few centimeters away from the edge of the pattern. Any trouble yet ?

Here is the second pattern.
Same as the first, but no gusset bits to worry about. EASY STUFF, you can make it from any material of your choice, just because I have used mohair you don't have to.
If you use material back it with something that will make the material stronger, iron on "stuff" works well. If you can't get any, don't worry.
You can make the pattern smaller or larger. The one I have made sits on the lintel over the fire place of
Soggibottom in one photo. In the niche/ shelf on the other.

Hope you have fun, you have plenty of time to make lots of
Soggibottom Buns before Easter.
The one in the photo also has a knitted
cardy, made especially for her, think of the fun you can have dressing your bun for Easter.
I have trawled and trawled for a cute bunny pattern and haven't found one yet. So decided to do my own.
One last thing.
Thank you Mark for the Soggibottom New Header. I shall miss Mew Cat.
But your right. Easy to see and love your clear style. If you need Mark's help you can find him by the click of a mouse at the side of the blog... on Yeah Yeah Designs or Sparky Brand.............again.........enjoy your bun.........