If you have ever received a parcel from
Soggibottom then you will know that we try and re-cycle as much as we can, for those who have had something stuffed into an empty (clean) cat food box through the post. This is especially for you .
Also especially for Sue at
Quilt Times as today I'm joining in her quilt along.

Doesn't look much like a quilt yet does it ?
More like cookies and a cup of coffee.

I'm not a prolific quilter, although after joining Sue on her quilt along day a few months ago the cottage now has a new quilt in the spare room.
The hearts are made from thin soft wood.
The cottage carpenter spent a cold day last week in his shed cutting them all out. To his dismay I then took them over the kitchen cooker and slightly burnt them.
Like most of the things I cook, some might have been burnt a little more than other's.
I then dipped them in vanilla essence. It took the slight smell of burning away.
So don't forget if you burn anything, VANILLA ESSENCE helps.
Depends on what you are cooking.
There is a message written with the sharp end of a knitting needle in the middle of the hearts.
I'm sure there is a proper tool for this, don't waste money, the knitting needle worked.
Threaded with raffia and a few bells, then all tied onto LAST YEARS wreath that had been in the cupboard looking sorry for itself.
I felt so pleased with my effort that I decided to do another.

This time using poppy heads that came from our garden. They are always hung to dry ready to use at this time of year.
The vase is a childhood memory, I remember it always being in my Nana's kitchen.
Now it's in my kitchen.
I haven't a clue about the lettering on the bottom of the vase, apart from Wedgwood obviously.
If anyone knows what the symbols mean, please let me know.

I didn't dip the hearts for the second Christmas wreath.
Although I added some ribbon and more bells.
The wooden heart base was also made by the
soggibottom carpenter.

I think the hearts would make great gift tags. Although I won't go any where near the cooker with the second batch that are due out of the shed next week.

Finished result of the second Christmas Wreath.

For all the comings and going in the cottage over the last few weeks, some things always stay the same.

It's a wonder anyone ever notices as you pass by.