We have two Cavaliers at the cottage, I know everyone knows this one !
Where does Napoleon Bonaparte come in ?

After spending so much time inside this Winter what better way to pass a sunny morning than a walk along the beach. Amie and I often stroll up and down this one.

We pass this building which until a few months ago was a restaurant and pub. Now it has refurbishment big time and is being turned into a hotel.

During the Napoleonic Wars it used to be a hospital for French prisoners.

After Napoleons defeat at Waterloo he was exiled to St Helena.
Everyone knows that. He did however land in England once.
The only place he ever put foot on British Soil was here.
He was aboard the ship H.M.S. Bellerophon and allowed to visit the French prisoners at the hospital.

You can walk along history's path every day and never know it.

This is the other Cavalier, I promised ages ago I would show one of the better second hand old bears to look out for.


This little guy has been in the family for about 30 years.
Only his paw pads have been recovered. Not by me I add.
Although I did make his Cavalier suit about ten years ago.
When you have a lovely old ted PROTECT HIM if you can by clothing and a hat to keep him dust free.

Try not to let your heart rule your head with old teddy bears....................
Before anyone asks... no, he is not called Napoleon........ he's called Bruce.