When you've had a bad day, with maybe more bad news to come, the wonder of my blogging friends is that they are always there. My friend Lisa sent this to Amie from her dog Molly.
It couldn't have arrived at a better time than today. Lisa and I go back a few years. There are times when an emergency crops up, especially when anything with four legs around here always wait for the weekend to be ill. Lisa is always at the other end of an email with advice if ever we need it.

Everyone is well around here, so don't get me wrong. What on earth could be wrong when you wake up to such a beautiful day. This was Dartmoor this morning.
To good to stay in bed or hang around inside after such a bad Winter.

We like going to Totnes Market on Saturdays. One of us likes it more than the other as they sell real cheese. By real cheese, I mean cheese that doesn't have a cellophane and plastic wrapping. You can also get to test everything first.

You can always tell the weather is getting warmer as the buskers appear on the street.
The guy sitting in the corner sounded good, shame I didn't get a better picture.

I'm not sure if there is anywhere else in Britain that you would see kids busking.
I'm sure their parents were around somewhere.
They needed a bit more practise bless them, maybe they were there for the cute factor with their violins

I always like to go to Totnes, it has a castle.
I pass it but have never been to the top of the hill to take a closer look.

As I said it's been really wet around here this week. Ames had to have her coat on just for a quick visit outside. She normally trots in hotly followed by

Frank, who waits to be dried off. He has his own towel in the kitchen.
He doesn't always get it right. The idea is to stand on the mat by the door before coming any further into the cottage. Tries hard.

The back roads really were wet and soggy this morning.

Maybe the water theme is something I need to get used to. We came home and realised we have a water leak somewhere under the cottage floor. Why are they called Emergency plumbers if they can't come out until after the weekend ?

Might have to sit back and see what happens on Monday, in the meantime, I have a new book to read from lovely Lisa. She remembered my passion for Alice in Wonderland. I have only had time to glance at the cover. It's going upstairs in the dry.
Lisa has a lovely fun, and colourful blog, you can find Lisa HERE

In case I'm not able to make another post for a while, reference, the cottage floor being dug up with a pneumatic drill.
Thought I had better show you the tomato's that were planted earlier in the week...... they're growing.
Wish our weather looked like that, what a perfect day for a ride in the country. Love the little card, that is so sweet.
You've inspired me to plant flower seeds in pots on the porch. I think I'll start with nasturtiums.
I loved Alice in Wonderland as a child and at Christmas Rob started reading it to me. I haven't read it n years and it's so much more fun now as I actually understand more of the satire than I did then.
I'm off to check out Lisa's blog. I do hope the leak doesn't require extensive damage.
I am so sorry about the leak!! I hope the plumbers come soon and sort it out. Oh dear! It has been a rainy ol week hasn't it with flashes of lovely sunny weather though! Awwww those poor boys playing their violins..!!
Yay for sweet Lisa for cheering you up with her amazing card and book!! Amie is one lucky doggie to have a valentine's!!!
And Frank is just gorgeous! Awwww! He's lovely!
And LOOK at your seedlings!! They're growing!!!
Take care
Sorry to hear about the soggifloor - what a worry for you. Hope it gets sorted out quickly. xxx
What a sweet Valentine for Amie! I bet your new book will be good, have to check it out myself. Thanks for sharing the photos of your lovely countryside. Hope you get the leaked fixed soon. Hugs!
Hi Michele, just letting you know that your name was drawn in my giveaway, you will be receiving one of my miniature bears. Could you email me your address so that I can get it off to you Congratulations! :o)
Amie's valentine was very beautiful! Always enjoy seeing photos in your part of the country - so dreamy! Hope everything gets fixed at your cottage soon.
I looked up busking in the dictionary and I couldn't find it, but I guess they are street vendors. Yesterday was spring weather here, too, but today is back to blustery cold. I'm glad all of the two and four legged creatures are okay, but sorry about the leak. I tell myself, no matter how bad things get they can always get worse. It sounds pessimistic, but it means to be grateful for the good stuff. And I know that you are.
So sorry to hear that Soggibottom has a soggy bottom - hope it gets sorted with the minimum of fuss tomorrow.
Very cute card indeed.
I'm now going to flounce off and look at the empty pots where my tomatoes should be sprouting......
oh bless franks little cotton socks...our puss looks just like him only a bit more petite, she is a lady after all.
what a lovely pic me up, must head straight over to lisas blog.
and as you know i love it when you post great pictures of your gorgeous neck of the woods..bloody gorgeous i tell ya!
I too hope your soggy bottom becomes a much drier bottom very soon.
I loved your Valentine card. It made me smile. Thank you for sharing it!
I do hope the disruption to the cottage doesn't affect the four-legged residents too much. Too bad about the leak and the 'emergency' plumber...
Such a cute cute card.
We always love your posts. They are so fun to read, and the photo's so fun to look at,,
we are happy about the cheeese
but we are sorry about yout floor.
We send you happy thoughts and crossing paws for the problems to get fixed soon
Looks like a wonderful place to go for a walk and take things in... Love castles!!! I have a dream to see the castles over seas one day...
Hope your leak is fixed up soon...
Yea! The tomatos have germinated!
Sorry to hear about the water leak.
Ooo cheese. I think I was a rat in a former life. There was a great one called Gob Burner from Somerset and if you're ever in Ireland it is worth checking out the Knockanore Oak Smoked. I appeared in a surprised farmer's yard once for that. :-)
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