Poor little Chiltern Hugmee.
Wendy's bear has now been cleaned and repaired as much as I dare.

As you might also notice I have done some home work to find out that he is indeed an English Bear.
This guy had to be repaired before he was bathed and large holes filled in his body. Although his back has more mohair than his front.
He now has all four paws restored.
I could patch his face, but then that would take his character away, so he has had his mouth restored and his nose lightly sewn back on. My stitches and thread have gone over his original nose. Leaving the original thread showing in places.
The idea to repair, is just that. To make him last longer and not change him.

Little weasel is another climber.
Here he is climbing onto the chair to have his new suit fitted.
It's a really good idea to help an older bear retain as much mohair as you can, by dressing them.
It keeps out dust and helps to cover any unsightly blemishes.
It also helps to give your bear their dignity back.
They have worked for a whole lifetime.
If you still have your childhood bear. They have probably worked the whole of your life time.
This guy would have looked a beautiful bear before he was loved to bits.

If your going to buy an old bear. Buy a bear that has a good covering of mohair, with no unsightly holes.
At the moment Wendy's bear is keeping Perkins company in the cottage window.
Starting to relax and take his retirement in his stride. He is also waiting for me to finish his new clothes.

You might not be keen on South Devon if your on holiday here this week.
This was Totnes High Street yesterday.

We really do need the rain.

Dartmoor isn't one of my favorite places to be when it's wet.

At least they are only showers, and I can always go home. I always love to see someone waiting in the window. The window is starting to fill up. I'm pleased to see there are more bears around on other blogs, entertaining themselves at windows. They get bored and climb all over the place otherwise. It's a really good place to be seen.
Many thanks to Preston School in Yeovil, Somerset for all the interest they have shown in Soggibottom Blog.Soggibottom, the bears and Amie are all very honoured.