This little dog is called Beans. The latest little guy to join the family. Sorry about the clarity of pics but Skype and my downsizing skills don't mix well. This little fellow (no, ignore the big guy that is Steve my son beside him) is in Cambodia.....

Brought for £4. He was ill and heading for the stew pot... I kid you not !
The reason why I would look like a pied piper if I ever went there. Rescued by my son.
Well done Steve................................
Steven did tell me how much visits to the vet have since cost him. HE IS ALSO NOW JABBED..~(Beans, not Steve), and bless his paws, is the proud owner of a collar and lead. No.... Beans not Steve.....

This is chops, ah, you all know little Chops....
Two new pups in the family now...
Both working dogs, looking after my kids... Ah, bless, give those young paws a medal.

Beans..... you are going to be a labour of love.

Keeping my kid company....

You even have that certain look that reminds me of Ames when her teeth get stuck on her chops.. ( you figure that one out).............
So, water forgotten.
I am slightly behind with emails... forgive me !
Anyone want to help me catch ducks and goldfish... or rescue a dog...... ?
Or dogs... I wish... I could go into a whole way of life in Cambodia here, but I won't....
I would however like to mention my friend Melanie...
Melanie and one of her very best friends... I would like to think, our bridge is the rainbow bridge..... this post is for Angel, Melanie and her family.
Young Chops, who makes me smile instantly.
Little Beans, who has a way to go before he goes home......
You can't help every one who needs help. One is better than none....
Who wants to help me, catch ducks and fish .............. you know I joke, but the cottage is going to be busy . REALLY BUSY.... over the next few weeks... Time out.. See you all soon...
Just like to add. HI MARK... Mark has gone walk about in Thailand... I know he will click here at some point and look for Amie... She is fine, asleep and snoring, dreaming of a day on the beach, playing with young pups ........ see you all later.....................
WELL DONE STEVE! Beans is just adorable - hard to believe people still use puppies in stew, but yes. Steve, you deserve a medal.
Big hugs for Melanie....oh so hard. My heart goes out to her and her family.
I'd love to come help you clear the wildlife from your kitchen floor. Mark, enjoy your walkabout!
Beans is so cute. definitely not for the stockpot.
i would love to come and help you and actually I am not too far away from you. Catch you soon. x
Can't imagine that, but some people think cows are sacred, so I guess we each have our own thoughts on that one;) Always love seeing the pups and of course Ami.
Beans is adorable. Welcome to the blogging family, Beans. We'll all be watching you and Chops grow up together.
Welcome Beans! You are adorable.
What a big heart Steve has!
We will remember your friend Melanie with you...
We circle our paws around their necks with love.
We will come help you catch the fishies - we will be right there!
Chops is a real sweet heart too- just like Ames Soto Blossom
Beans is so sweet - how could he not rescue him? I couldn't go somewhere like that, I'd end up cracking up because I couldn't save them all. Of course you know who will be Beans' grandma when Steve goes on his travels don't you....
Yay for Steve for rescuing Beans!! Awwww!!!!Poor Beans, what a cutie!! Phew, that was a close call!!
Good luck with your cottage so very nearly under the sea if it weren't for your knights in shining plumbing armour!!!
Take care
eeeppp the stew pot!!! what a thought!! lucky your son was there to save that little cutie. lucky lucky dogs.
glad the water is all cleaned up.
What a beautiful little dog Beans is. So glad your wonderful son rescued him.
Beans is lovely
I'm so glad you have Mr. Fix-it there and so take all the time you need to get the house in order.
That newest member of the family, Beans, is precious. Oh my what a cutie.
How awful. I couldn't think of eating a dog but I'm not veggie so i am a hypocrite and will eat other animals. They say pigs are as intelligent as dogs don't they?
It's so heartwarming to hear of dogs finding their special person. Tell Steve well done and give him and Beans a hug from me when you can. Aww Chops when I see that face I smile. :-)
Each day is getting easier now without Angel. Just no one enter me for a holiday to Cambodia competition or I may have to charter a plane for the number of dogs I would bring back.
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