After all the festivities you might like the recipe for Port Wine Jelly.
I know this is the time for New Year Resolutions.
I never make a promise I can't keep, so I never ever make them, even to myself.

I do like to try and finish anything that has been hanging around for a while before the New Year starts.
I finished this guy yesterday. Only a few things left now. One is ongoing for next year, so that doesn't count.
The half finished quilt that has been hanging around in a cupboard for 6 years doesn't count either....so one thing left to finish, and I'm working on that, so you should see that soon.
This guy is made from acrylic that I found ages ago in the Summer in a shop in Totnes....
Acrylic isn't my favorite material to work with, so I suppose he didn't turn out that badly.
He already has a home. He's not going far. An hours drive away to Somerset.
As he's intended for someone who is slightly younger than the age group I normally make bears for. He is made with safety eye's and safety joints....
Your waiting for the Port Wine Jelly recipe aren't you?
So here it is, you still have time to make it for New Year. Unlike the bear this recipe isn't intended for children. You have been warned !
You need..
1 0z of powdered gelatine
3 fl.0s cold water
6 oz. caster sugar
4 cloves
Blade of mace...I haven't got a blade...shove a couple of pinches in it.
I stick of cinnamon
Grated rind and juice of 1 Lemon
1/2 pint of water and 1/2 a pint of port wine.
Sprinkle the gelatine over the 3 fl.oz. cold water in a small bowl or cup.
After about 5 minutes when it's spongy stand the bowl in hot (not boiling) water until the gelatine has melted and the mixture is clear.
Meanwhile, place the sugar, spices, lemon rind and juice in a pan with the 1/2 pint of water and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved.
Bring to the boil then remove from the heat.
Cool slightly, then whisk in the dissolved gelatine and cool for 20 minutes, whisking from time to time.
Strain the spices and zest from the syrup in the pan and then stir in the port wine.
Pour into a wetted 1 1/2 pint mould or into stemmed glasses and chill until set...
To all those we have yet to wish a Happy New Year.
Have a Happy, Safe and Warm New Year
from sleepy Soggibottom Cottage............