I promised bears.
Here are two of our upstairs guys that are window look outs.
I made, the front guy out of English mohair a few years ago.
I liked him so much that I kept him.
I wonder how many of us have made something, then really wanted to keep it.
It's not something I do that often. I still have his pattern and keep meaning to make another.
Except English mohair is hard to get hold of these days.
Nearly as hard as trying to get blogger to work properly ! ! !
You are not alone, lots of us are all having problems.
The other fellow at the back has stood guard at the window for ten years.
The crumbs beside on the cushion are Amie's, not mine, honestly........
They could be

Great to wake up and see the sun again this morning.
The amount of people that pass the cottage who look in at the
Soggibottom bear, Amie, Frank or Mew sitting in the downstairs window.
I wonder if all those that look in realise that the whole world looks out at them.
Thought you might like a change of view guys.

Last night the moon had a certain sheen.
Venus hangs around the moon as much as Frank hangs around mouse holes by the stream.
Winter is on it's way.

Colder weather also means that we have other visitors inside the cottage, trying to hang out with Frank and keep warm.

It was a big
spider, it's not often that Amie is impressed.

Frank promptly trod on her just as I was about to put her outside.
AH !
Hopefully I will be back whole heatedly into blogging soon. I haven't got around to thanking everyone who has been kind enough to leave a comment over the last few months. Thanks guys. What would the cottage be like without all your good wishes and whole hearted giggles, laughs and thoughts. I would miss them all.