We normally go into Christmas mode after December 7th, but this year we're slightly earlier here at the cottage. The bear has an elf suit. A small green felted and lined jacket that is older than the bear by about 40 years. Slightly too tight for him around his middle, (too many cookies bear) but it's warm in here so don't think he is going to get cold even in the snow. He also has some new elf boots..
A cute and easy little pattern, the pattern has endless idea's. Mary Ann suggested that candles would look great in them. I thought candles, why candles ? I never actually had my glasses on... CANDIES.......... not candles..........Mary Ann has some great links to other inspiring makes on her blog, you can find them
JUST HERE......... Thanks Mary Ann.... make sure you make a note and leave a comment for mousie or he will never forgive you. Mousie is the little guy who works hard, plays hard, you will see him.
I'm coming to the bit about Christmas Tree's....... This little tree has been planted in our garden for about four years. It lives quite happily surrounded by mint in the Summer. It's been left to get on with growing, without any feeding, shaping or digging up again for yet another Christmas. It looked a bit sad last year but has suddenly picked up. It's a shame to dig it up when he looks happy enough. He's not left entirely alone though, as he is decorated with birdie food during hard Winters.

This potted guy has been fed all year, shaped, re potted, he looks good enough to be placed in our window seat again. Every year since we have lived at Soggibottom we always have a real tree. Apart from one year we brought an artificial tree, it had one night on the window seat and we both decided the cottage needed something real at Christmas. We always buy a tree with roots, one to last more than just a few days... Nothing wrong with this tree, except this year we can't put a tree in the window at doggie height... for obvious reasons... much better to be safe than sorry, maybe we are being over protective, but if you love your dog, you protect the love of your life.
This little tree is such a pup attraction already...
You might like this pic of the tree better, messing around with camera setting isn't a bad thing, but then you realise some of the pics you take can't be reproduced again with clarity.
So here is our Christmas tree for this year, a table top (PUP PROOF we hope where she can't test it out) little spruce. Should smell great too. So When is the right time to bring in a Christmas Tree into your house... ?
Tradition says on Christmas Eve, what do you think Freya ?
Big yawn, she would rather be at the beach , or maybe she's getting in some choir practise for Silent Night............
Catflap Cavalier......
READ ON,.............
Here I would normally stop at a blog post so hope on this occasion you'll read on.....might be a long post :-) ... over the last few days soggibottom posts have been rather thin on the ground to say the least... trying to make it up for my lack of activity I have two more links to give you.
I hope they will make you smile at the generosity of people and at the same time sadden your heart..... to make you generous and help if you can.
Here is a link to Debbie and Dixie. Debbie has a heart of gold with her campaign for Fabric for SUE .
It also gives me a very selfish chance to show you a pic from a visit to the beach this week.
The next link is to
Judith can tell you Sam and Gizzy's story.....I am sure their story has only just started... Judith can tell you so much better than I can. There is one thing that Judith doesn't say in her post. Gizzy is having pups...........
Happy Thanksgiving to all our American Friends.....
Don't forget about your Christmas Tree, if it's living and has roots, you might like to make it last a bit longer by not bringing it into a warm house too soon......... Artificial tree's are fine... but do they really smell of CHRISTMAS ?
Last but one photo, this time one taken by me with our old camera.
Frank's turn..... he doesn't and never will wear boots !