I can't keep it up... Not blogging for days.
For everyone that asks after Amie Soto Blossom, or those on facebook Amie Soto blossom blossom... yes she is fine. She has been doing her best to annoy Mew with her new chewy shoe. It's an early Christmas Present, days are getting shorter and longer and darker.
To Ames Christmas is a long way off yet.....

See what I mean, the longing in there is "go for the shoe" !
Old lady she might be, still my dog defiantly.................

It's getting colder in this part of the world, although would you believe this photo, taken only this morning......
Clear blue sky and the sun was out. Soggibottom is way in the distance, over the hill and a couple of valley's, but your looking in the right direction.

I would love to know why poor old number 15 looks so put out. BLESS HER .
Aw.... lambs and it's only November.
Easter is on it's way..
The giveaway is still on .... it would be good to know that you share it by telling your bloggers that it is here :-) xxx A click away on the right...
Hi Midge.. I was just here and laughed over poor number 15 and then saw that I had forgotten to post on my sidebar. So I did that before I commented here and noticed you had been on my site and commented...lol...
How's that for kindred spirits???
Peace (it's peace week)
That is sooo sad about # 15.
You need to bring her into your house
Poor Ami, she is like my dog, if the cats come near his ball, he grabs it and holds on, till they leave. The cats think his tennis balls are fun to roll around, lol.
Gotta love a new chewy shoe! Such a lovely pic of the day, Midge. Very grey here. Rain, snow and very very cold predicted here for the week.
Lovely lamb - I love sheep! And look at you, you have a give-away button! I'll go put it on my blog!
Hi Midge,
It's amazing to see lambs already. I saw some in the fields from the train going to London, great to look forward to spring.
Number 15 looks like I feel sometimes living with a teenager!
Smiles, Angela.
Just added your giveaway to my blog, though I'm not sure I want to encourage any more entries, I am desperate to win him myself! :-)
Number 15's looking annoyed cos you're taking her photo and she didn't have time to fix her hair or do her makeup!
Mew's doing a good job of ignoring that shoe. Amie does look like she's up to something. Very cute.
Beautiful photos. Happy Thanksgiving :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hope those lambs find a safe haven when it snows!
Amie is such a lady - a new chew wouldn't hang around for long in our house!
Too cute. Amie, Mew, the little lamb...
The fun of all our furry friends... 8-)
When do lambs usually come? They are very cute :) . I know, possibly a stupid question???
Beautiful photos!!
Have a nice weekend!
What a lovely blog you have! I found you while I was on Primitive Lace. I'm also following your blog now and will be back to read some of your older posts. The mama sheep was so sweet! Please enter me in your giveaway the little bear is so cute.
You know we have sheep everywhere...they are so cute.
Where oh where
has my little
Amie Soto Blossom gone,
Oh where oh where
can she be?
I looked all over,
but I cannot find her,,
oh where oh where
can she be?
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