How to ? ...... do a quick drawing of Amie Soto Blossom.
You should all know by now I struggle with a pencil and paint brush.... Heather at Little bearries is a talented artist, it took Heather a few minutes.
Heather, thank you so much.... Amie would be very honoured except she is asleep in her usual pose, reclining at my feet. I will gush for her and say, how very honoured we are that you have taken the time and effort to do this drawing.
I know post scripts should come at the bottom of a posting..... how could I not include Heather's drawing of Ames in this post. Here is Heather's blog link, you can see Heather's version of Amie Soto Blossom for yourself.

How to ?
Is always a good way to start to wonder how on earth you can replicate a dog...
Never................. not in a million years..............
How to?
When you want it to be a look alike ...

For AMIE SOTO BLOSSOM... Michele Beesley does it so much better than I ever could.
Michele's painting of Ames is above the toy dog you notice.
I don't even come near..........

I am not that cleaver, or never ever try to be... this dog is the real thing.
A one off and never to be repeated babe..
There is ONLY ONE snorer in the cottage and we know who you are AMES .
She might be cute, even in her old age, doesn't mean that snaffling cat food is a forgivable offense either... WEASEL !
Even with the kiss kiss mistletoe stuff.. we all know Christmas is coming...
Do we really want a Christmas Card with you on it ?
Dog with attitude... !
I love my dog :-) ...........
With love and care they are the best friends in the world - makes one believe in unconditional love!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Oh Midge - Tilly May will love it - I think you did a beautiful job!
I'm sure Tilly May will be ecstatic with her Amie-mini-me! It's so cute! It's great fun trying to replicate your dog in fabric/yarn, I've done it a few times. Someone suggested once that I knit him out of his own hair but I wouldn't go that far.....
You were on the right lines, just Amies markings that got you a little bit. You are very close. As for a Christmas card with a picture of Amies on yes please. she is such a cute little dog. Lucky sends her love. x
Cute toy and great Christmas card.
Beautiful toy, wonderful sentiments, super card. This gets me off to work with a smile, thank you! :-)
I am oh - so NOT a dog person, but I have grown quite attached to your precious little dog through your blog. I even had my own dog for 16 years and loved her to pieces. But other peoples' dogs cause me to shake in my boots. Amie cause me to smile.
I think the pretend Amie is a cutey and as for the real thing in photo glory on a card - too precious.
I'm planning to try knitting a dog that somewhat resembles mine, probably after the holidays. Heaven only knows what it will look like when I'm done. I'll let you know.
I feel like it might be time for an onslaught of Amie fan art!!!!
awwwww what a cutie
Amie tribute art! HAHA!
Ok, this is the last one... today...
To the cutest of all Ames Soto Blossom, blue ribbon winner of all snoors.
We love looking at her.
We love that little doggy to pieces
Amie is one in a million with such personality. I think you did a lovely job of making her as a soft toy. My Daughter was thinking about making dolls of her friends for their birthdays -we have a naked one in the craft room at the moment but I've not blogged her.... not being one for doll porn. ROFL
I owe you an email from yonks ago- am getting on top of email again. Hugs
Well done Heather - that is one cute drawing!
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