The problem with a Soggibottom bear is that they can be trouble maker's.

They are always friendly.

They like to mix with their own kind.

They tend to climb on the furniture though, so you have to watch them carefully.
If you don't want them on your furniture, be firm. The command is DOWN.

If they climb up onto the fire place, them you have to tell them to CAREFULLY GET DOWN.

This little guy has spent quite a time playing around the cottage with toy cars.

Hiding in fir cones............
He is waiting for the giveaway that is open from now until December 7 th. 2010. 8 p.m. G.M.T.
He could be all yours if you leave a comment and if you haven't done so already join Amie Soto Blossom's list of friends.
This little fellow is quite happy to travel anywhere in the world, hopefully in time for Christmas.
It would be a sharing thing to let your own blogger's know he is around. I will check :-)
Why a Birthday giveaway ?
The cottage is 342 years old this year.
The day we moved into Soggibottom Cottage was December 7 th and my birthday.
Good luck....... x x x
Am I really the first to comment? You know little Ron NEEDS a friend.
what a wonderful bear
Wow, 342 years old. How wonderful. We'd be honored to have the little fellow join our family of bears, frogs and dogs.
Congratulations on all those fun events coming together.
he's adorable! :)
Wow, how lovely a soggibottom bear giveaway. 342years old eh, that's a long time to be a house. Do you know its history? Oh and it's also your birthday on the 7th dec,well isn't that funny it's mine on the 14th.
Wow! Your beautiful little friend is almost as naughty as I often am. He's adorable too!
Awww! Sooo cute and my home needs a bear sitting at the window!
Wishing you many more happy years in the cottage!
Such a sweet little bear!
I would love to be a part of your giveaway! :-)
What an adorable bear!!! And you know we would love to give him a home.
Happy Birthday a little early, hope it is a wonderful one.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh WOW, I would love to have a Soggibottom bear come to live with all my bears! I know he would feel
right at home. Happy Birthday to you
and your house!
Bear Hugs~Karen
Hi Midge... I love the bear and I know he would love Canada..LOL..
I find it hard to imagine Soggibottom being so ancient...
And...my birthday is December 15..
What a beautiful bear!
What a wonderful bear!
Congratulations on your home anniversary and I will wait and do bday wishes when it comes:)
My birthday is Dec 6. We almost share birthday. What a cute little bear! Congratulations on the 342 years of cottage. Wow--our farm house is only 100 years old--just a toddler.
Your birthday is coming
Your birthday is coming
and your house,,, how can it still be standing after 342 years.
Oh if those walls could talk,, what would they say?
So many happenings,, in your home.. so much love , cause you share it.
Someone will be mighty lucky to wind that naughty bear. Mighty lucky. I know someone will give him a good home.
I love that mischievous bear, looks like he's having lots of fun!
Been busy getting ready for Cowslip Workshops Christmas Fair.
It's a great place to visit for the next three days. Just head down the road to Launceston.
Enjoy all those special days.
Smiles, Angela.
I'm not sure I should really put my name down for a bear as we already have one - she's quite good at climbing on the furniture too, but we let her because it keeps her out of the dog's mouth....
All the best people are born in December obviously!! (Mine's the 15th!)
I promise to keep this lovely little bear safe from Missy if I win, though I suspect he can look after himself. :-) I will also blog about it at the weekend, Friday's are busy-busy in our house!
Happy everything to you, the cottage and the moving in day.
Am I allowed into the giveaway? I haven't done that for ages but your bear... I can't pass it :) I'll write about it on my blog immediately!
He is utterly adorable Midge! Aww those paws and his face! I'd love him to join the hair bear bunch here. They are currently on the side in the craft room aghast at the mess in there all over the floor.
Making Christmas here in between redoing the bathroom.
I'm in!!! Hoping that this bear love my home the best!!
How nice. And that little bear is a doll! We will wish the cottage and you a Happy Birthday when the time comes. Wait a minute - you mean 1668? That does deserve celebration.
Midge, I'm on blog break - I'm not supposed to be commenting, lol - but you got me with this one! He's just too adorable!!!
Wow! That is a birthday indeed!!! a 342 year old cottage!?! Wow!!
I would love to have a chance to win your little friend there...
Good luck everyone! 8-)
I would love the chance to win that adorable bear and give him a home with me. I love bears, and I always have! What a wonderful celebration!
A very active little fellow, this bear from Soggibottom. Hope he ends up being fast friends with my Noel and my father's very, very old childhood teddy! The cottage is really that old??!! WOW it is in greaaat shape!
You are 342 years old come December? Golly! You really are holding the years well!!
That bear looks like he's be a handful alright, and soooo gorgeous! I'm only surprised he hasn't been actually IN the fireplace, trying out the soot for Santa...
Your bear is wonderful. I love that he has all these adventures in your house.
WOW, that's a nice give-a-way. We would love that bear!
Beautiful and very sweet bear!
Thank you for a wonderful "Soggibottom's Birthday Giveaway" .
What an adorable little guy! I just love him!
Happy Birthday and best wishes to you!
What a cute little bear! Absolutely adorable. I could give him a very good home!
What a beautiful bear! I would love to have a chance to win your little friend there...
oh, he's sooooooooo cute...
I really like him!
What a gorgeous Bear, I would love to have him join my Bear family. Best wishes to you all. My Husband and I were in Devon earlier this year, we loved it, so green and beautiful. Greetings from Australia.
Beautiful bear!
What a wonderful bear!
Little bear needs to visit the New World! Happy birthday.
I can't believe my mom was the first... but the bear looks absolutely adorable! What is around his neck? is it a pendant?
Pack his bags he has just won a one way trip to the land down under ... LOL he is adorable thanks for the chance to win him...he will be a cherished friend
hugs di
What a sweet bear.
He looks...like he wants to travel to Canada!
I've got a great spot for him--he'd fit in wonderfully!
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
What a cute bear! I also love the elephant but can't seem to find the pattern.
Love the pictures of your countryside!
Hi Jackie, email me and I will direct you to the elephant pat, email is in soggibottom's profile :-)
Do I get to enter my own giveaway ?
Oh he is sweet! I'd love for him to come home to me.Warm Blessings!~Amy
I love your blog! Your bera so pretty! I look forward to seeing your new posts each day!!!
Sweet little chap, love take chance to win,
All the best
How wonderful to live in a cottage that is 342 years old, I can only imagine:) have you shared home photos? I would love to see them, if so.
You have created a most awesome playful little bear:)
Candy is very sweet. Thanks for chance to win:))
Wonderful bear!
*hugs-Peninia art
Sign me up too, and Happy Birthday! Love the bear, what a sweetheart!
Beautiful Bear come be by my side! Hello, I would love the bear! Also will follow you.
What a lovely bear.. i just love them and make them as well.
342 years old is rather old but has a nice ring to it doesn't it.
A very happy Birthday as well.. have a great day.
I am a follower!
I love this great giveaway!!My birthday is on December 7.I really hope that I could win this great and wonderful giveaway!!:)
Is everyone excited - it's tomorrow! :-)
Hello Soggibottom bear!! Happy birthday to soggibottom and to the cottage!! Wow! That is one old cottage!!!
And you are one gorgeous bear!!!
Take care
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