What else is there to do in the Winter, except make the most of a warm fire and play around with mohair.
Instead of waiting for a supply of plain white mohair to dye, I thought I would have a whirl with what I had. This is pale blond, painted with Kool Aid. Now I have had a chance to play with Kool Aid I'll dye the next batch of mohair properly. Thank you LAURIE for taking the time and effort to send me packets of Kool Aid. Before you ask... NO SUGAR was added here .........

There have been a few things happening, apart from Amie's (Amie Soto Blossom Blossom) facebook entries about her diet. Her never ending stories about her tea.
Amie's point of view obviously.

We came across another little dog this week.
This one has been made in Germany,I know as he has a label. I haven't a clue how old. Definitely older than Amie, although he is only two inches high, Amie's a little larger.

Lead fox and hounds and hunters.

I made sure the fox was chasing the hounds.
Too good to keep in a cupboard in a box.
This displays fox hunting not quite our kind of thing down here in the cottage.
We would be trying to save the fox.
Go fox get the hounds. See how easily we all slip back to childhood when there are toys around.

Dolls, loads of them. My kids are great they come across something and think that because it's vintage it should live at Soggibottom. I often think they are trying to tell us something.
Apart from anything that looks old lives with us.
I did say loads of dolls.. here are only a few.
Most of them in mint condition and in original boxes.

This has got to be my favorite doll, although not the prettiest. I'm not that good knowing about dolls. Much more bear knowledgeable. If you know how old she is or anything about her or any of the other dolls here please share your knowledge and I will blog the dolls again. With all their facts and figures.
The young lady above has moving eye's, a cloth body and she is fairly heavy. I think she has real hair which is a bit spooky.

This one is slightly damaged, filled with straw, it looks as if she has her original clothes (nothing I can do about these ref soap powder and hot water). No box.... Again, I haven't a clue about her.

Unlike this Chad Valley doll, who has her original box.
If your collecting anything it pays to keep the box.
Chad Valley labelled their toys and boxes. "Hygienic Toys Made in England by Chad Valley Toy Company Ltd".
After 1938 they were labelled "Toy Makers to H.M. The Queen".
Which changed to "the Queen Mother" after Queen Elisabeth's coronation in 1953....
This doll's box has "Hygienic Toys Made in England by Chad Valley Toy Company Ltd".
Her box helps to date her to the 1930's. If you know different I will be quite happy to know.
She also has a Chad Valley label inside of her dress.

I haven't a clue how old this doll is, maybe 1950's.
Who made her?
I thought she had a pretty face.

Which brings me back to bears, or at least to this one.
She has a Soggibottom label. The first bear of 2011.
Around her neck she has one of Polina's Russian creations.
I have lent it to the bear for her first photo shoot.
It compliments this bears mohair perfectly.
Even the Soggibottom bear had Christmas present from Polina this year.
Thank you POLINA It's nearly time for me to change the bear into his very bespoke Russian costume you made him last year.
Blessed with good friends, and far too many dolls.
Can't help you with the dolls. The dirty one looks dutch to me, but who am I to say. Teddy looks good.
2011's first bear.
The dolls are so beautiful. Mom so wishes she had kept some of her dolls from childhood. The only one she has is an original Shirley Temple. She also has a whole collection of Madame Alexander Dolls of the World that she purchased for our human sister when she was little, but nothing as precious as the ones you showed here.
Hugs to Amie, she looks good.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Yay fox!! Go chase the hunters - good for you! :-)
Awwww wow!! You have beautiful toys and bears!!! The dolls are just lovely to look at! They're so delicate and so fragile looking and with such intricate detail too. Awww they're lovely!!
Hello there Amie Soto Blossom Blossom! Take care
Wow they are SO cool!
Some of those dolls have real attitude, don't they? What treasures. I think the fox, hounds and horses should be chasing the people. Beautiful bear!
Love the look the kool aid gives, looks like it is naturally worn and faded. Neat finds, I used to shop at a local english antique store, love english cats, have a few in my collection.
Love the Koolaid dyed bear!
Not a doll person i'm afraid, always preferred animals when I was little. x
Wow, what a collection that is! Funny that your kids bring you old things:)
That second to last pic of the doll looks like a doll my mom got for me when she went to Italy in the 70's. She had a felt like face but the rest of her was plastic and she had shoes like that, they were held on with little pins in the back (which I of course pulled out). Mine had long braids and a straw hat, I don't know whatever happened to her!
HUGS .....
You live in toyland! The dolls are beautiful. Someone is probably saying,, that is my doll.
Ames is precious as always , waiting for some tea, i think.
The koolaid bear is awsome.... never thought of using kook aid
why not?
So interesting using Koolaid! Do they smell yummy too? The dolls are so interesting - yes I always think antique dolls have angry stares too!
Love the bear, it turned out great! So cute with the necklace on. Amie is so cute I just want to hug her and kiss her little head.
Your dolls are gorgeous, Midge. For some reason old dolls don't spook me as much as newer ones. Too many horror movies as a child....I love the little dog too! And the hunters, yep, I'd be helping the fox too.
I want to come to Soggibottom to play.
Hello, dear friend! I love your dolls and bears, of course! Your little dog is cute, I wonder if he is a Steiff? Not much going on around here, we got several inches of snow, today! I like old things around, too! I will call you again, soon!
Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen
What a sweet little bear Midge, and all the dolls were wonderful.
Love the way the bear turned out - so there are better uses for Koolaid than drinking it!
I really think you need to find an expert to have a look at the dolls & the lead hunt - Antiques Roadshow turning up near you any time soon?
I love the bear, he's wonderful and also enjoyed the whistle-stop doll tour. :-)
love your new bear. can't tell you anything about the dolls.
The bear is sweet :)And I love the dolls too, the eyes-moving one looks familiar to me... If I come across some clues on their classification I'll tell you. I'm more about contemporary dolls, can speak about them for hours really :)
Poor Ames is keeping a diet? Hope it does her a lot of good :)
Adorei o blog. As bonecas são lindas. , diferentes, originais.
Beijos das Fadas de Luz
Midge, I love your first creation of 2011, so warm and cuddly.
You make me smile - everything about this post makes me have deep hearted smile.
Love the vintage treasures! Amie is always adorable such a snugglebum.Warm Blessings!~Amy
I do like the first bear of 2011 and it's a she bear too. Those dolls are precious. I know nothing of dolls since I never played with any as a child. I preferred drawing and always had a pencil or brush in hand.
The bear is just wonderful, and such wonderful finds! Loved seeing it all!
Love your finds! And congrats on trying kool aid for dying... wonderful result :o)
The first doll looks about 1815 ish at a total guess. The next one looks nordic- Dutch or German based on the costume? The last one reminded me of Snow White. When was that film made?
Sorry not a lot of use. I bet there is a web site out there.
Congrats on the birth of a new baby bear.
I'm so pleased to be back on the blog-a-sphere and to see you posting such fun things! Unfortunately, I know little about vintage dolls and other collectibles, but I loved admiring your pictures.
Love your dolls, your favourite one looks to be German maybe around 1880' 1890's difficult to tell without inspecting her in person, does she have any marks on the back of her head or just under the wig?
I got a 1915 original volland raggedy ann on her way, she is in desperate need of rescuing, but is just gorgeous, and what a history she must have!
I love your blog glad i found you, i too live in a 17th cottage, but we are in South Wales, i left a comment on your post where you just bought Mr Perkin's and restored him, great job!
I love the new bear. Very pretty!! I'm glad I can love dolls again. I played with them as a child, then I grew older and was embarrassed to admit liking dolls. Now that I'm an adult and an older one at that, I can enjoy them openly again.
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