When we normally visit all my favorite people.

We go past fields, up roads and down roads, over hills, up and down hills.

Some of it goes by in a blur to me, as most of you know, I am chauffeured and sit in the back of the car.

Every one knows I sit in the back and take it easy.

We normally pass Stonehenge and see lots of sheep.
But you all know that.

When we stop I get very excited and suddenly come to life, I love seeing my favorite people.

Ah, now this might be a different story here, because we normally visit,

Tilly May, Jake, Kiann, Karina, Jason, Mark and Becca.

I also like to say hello to the terrapin's/ turtley things, Lewie the rabbit, (no pic here as he was asleep) . George the guinea pig, (no pic here as he was asleep). Kitty the cat (missing and thought to be asleep upstairs, no pic here) and the hamster.... no pic either as she was asleep.
They sleep so much here !

I never knew that my favorite people of all time had a caterpillar.

He looked like a caterpillar to me.

They call him "CHOPS". A Char pei ten week old pup.
Here he is getting a few of my cuddles from Jake.

Here he is again with Tilly May.

Trying to play with me...

Nutter !

They didn't all take notice of him.
Becca, Tilly May and Kiann had other things to do.
If your looking at the background in this pic, I had a kiss from Mark, my mum was holding me, I only have very short legs after all.

I made sure I had my tongue in some one's coffee.

It feels quite strange not to be the only dog in the family.

There was lots of hands on experience with Chops.

As if I care.... notice the empty coffee cup....

He does however seem to have made an impression on the whole of the family.

Attention seeker.

All this hands on thing...

I'm going to have to watch him.

There is one good thing though,

When he falls asleep, as pups do at the strangest of times,

Guess what ?
HE SNORES.............

He can't be that bad after all.
No I don't want to read the paper.

Time goes far too quickly. Mark and Becca go one way.

We head back, South West towards the setting sun.

Leaving the rest of the mob at home.
As for Chops, loved him. Always good to meet new friends, looks like this little guy is going to grow to a very big guy, but hey what are the size of paws between friends. He snores and that is good enough for me.

It's always good to get home to tease Mew, I had a present from Chops to take home, so I made the most of it.
what a lovely puppy
I want Chops!
Oh, Ami had such fun today and I am surprise that guy didn't scare her to death, lol. I really love that photo with ami and (Mark?), they both have the same expression, lol. I just love Ami, she has so much personality and she makes such a wonderful guest host;)
Amie, that Chops is a real cutie, but we think you are right - he is going to be a big boy. And you, little sweetie, you look so good - bet that long day and car ride tired you out. We have never tried coffee - is it really tasty? All your little beans are so adorable.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a very wrinkly little chap! He's gorgeous, I'm glad Amie seemed to like him too. It will be interesting to watch him grow to fill his skin!
Well, as Amie pointed out, I didn't know that Shar Pei was a breed of caterpillar either! D'you suppose Chops came out of the Giant Peach along with James? He looks like that sort of a person...
I've never seen a real one of Chops, but have to say, I LOVE puppies in every shape and form, and like most dogs I meet too! Now the human pets they insist on carting round with them, that's another matter...
Chops is absolutely adorable. It's funny, he does look like a caterpillar in that one picture. Isn't it nice to make new friends?
Really great pics, Amie!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Honestly - Amie can talk with her eyes! What an adorable post. Chops is going to be a big dog, can't believe he's only 10 weeks! Love the pic of Mark and Amie, and of course all the adorable kidlets!
Looks like Amie had a great day over all... That Chops is certainly an interesting looking little/big guy... Not much hair hey?
Oh how I love this post !!!!
Are the doggie "kids" best of friends yet? LOL
And did your "kid" sleep on the way home?
An absolutely lovely new member of the family.
But he will never ever take the place of Amie.
Wow, Aime what a day you had. You had better watch out for I think Chops is going to get real big, like a giant. Lucky sends her love.x
I adore that Sharpei...too cute!
Chops has such a unique look. he is super cute (but you are cuter, of course!).
Sounds like you had a lovely visit and meeting your new relation..lol..
So Cute!!
Always good to be HOME, though.
What a cute, wrinkly little fellow Chops is! Looks like Amie had lots of fun too.
Your friend Chops is really cool! Thanks for sharing all the great pics!
Chops looks like such a sweetie- a confident well socialised pup. Awwww! So when does the velvet beanie of him appear in Soggybottom? :-)
that is the cutest shar pei ever. we had one many years ago, his name was harold. he was ugly but we loved him! he had a skin condition. poor thing. glad darling amie has a new friend to play with!
Amie Soto Blossom, Chops is sooooooo cute,, but not as cute as you (shhh do not tell him)
I know you are going to have fun snuggling with Chops when he comes to visit and you will have to show him the ropes... don't you think"
Chops is so cute, his wrinkles make him look comically worried. If he learns a thing or two from Amie he won't go far wrong. Ahhh :-)
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