There are so many things that are coming via email and Mr postman, I'm struggling slightly to keep up this week. There are so many beautiful cards and e card thingamajiggies. If I can share them with you, I try and send them on.. They need to be shared. They are all timeless and make me smile and laugh. I hope they make you smile and laugh too.

Talking of sending things on....
I love to see quilting
So much time and love goes into making a quilt. If you have ever made a quilt, you understand. There is an art with a needle that some either have or haven't got. No one ever said I have ever mastered the art of quilting. I never will.
I admire other people's work from afar, on this occasion some of it has come to the cottage. Via Mr postman.
This quilted tree is from Dolores... HI DOLORES ..

Only Dolores could have found these...

I'm not sure if Alya knows exactly how much I love poppies, but this is one huge poppy seed cut in half.

It seems only right that it I have hung it (straight) by one of my daughter's paintings of a meadow full of poppies.

This is another from Alya...
I haven't been to Greenwich Market for years.
This little guy is too good to put away for next year, he'll find a spot around in the cottage and all year will ho ho ho.
Christmas is only beginning... Sometime it takes the cottage a while to get with the swing of Christmas, thanks for making it come early this year in so many ways.
I had to have help getting down from my soap box... Don't worry, I'm down..
Such lovely presents for such a lovely lady..
Have a great weekend and thanks for the sweet card... loved it..
What wonderful gifts from friends.
I actually got my small alpines up today.
Thus was fun looking at your timeless gifts.
The quilted art piece is gorgeous.. so are the the other ornaments,,,, and the Midgies tootsies,,, tee hee hee.
what fun to share all the excitment with us,,,
thank you!
we loved them ALL
You have gotten some really lovely gifts and thank you for sharing them with us. Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm.
That tree is just beautiful - Dolores is amazing! I got a kick out of looking at the poppy seed, in the pic it resembles a very grumpy king! Love the little Santa, I'd leave him out too. Did Karina do the painting above him? I love it.
the tre is brilliant. I love poppies too impressed with the seed
So lovely to be thought of.Be sure to share with Amie.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Awwww what lovely arts and crafts things!!! I do like that Santa - what's it made of - it's lovely!!! I would so love to be able to quilt and knit and crochet and be good with my hands - but I'm too impatient!! LOL!! Oh and clumsy!! LOL!! So I too shall admire that amazing christmas tree quilt from afar and just be completely amazed at such a skill!! Yay Dolores!!
Oh the poppy seed head is ginormous!! Wow.
Take care
The quilted Christmas tree is so simple yet so lovely - aren't you lucky! I love the tin Santa & his ho-ho-ho's!
I'm glad they arrived safely. Sweet words, thank you. We have not yet purchased our tree and so it isn't up but the outdoor lights are up so we are slowly, very slowly, getting into the spirit. Still so much to do.
Wonderful little gifts. Isn't it nice to receive something handmade. It means so much when someone takes the time and thought to make something special just for me.
What lovely gifts. When I unpack the Christmas decorations it's like I'm unpacking old friends as so many have been gifts...not that I keep my friends in boxes mind, that would be perhaps a little too strange. LOL
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