Still no snow... the view from the cottage window this morning.
There must be happy little bubble hanging around keeping it away from us.

I took yesterday's photo of the swimming pool during the Summer, of cause I did.
Too cold for swimming pools outside, but not too cold for ice cream .
The weather doesn't stop Amie from eating ice cream.
Actually nothing stops Amie from ice cream.
I don't think it makes the few teeth she has left chatter either.

She might be as blind as a bat, but every time the ice compartment of the fridge opens she is there like a homing pigeon. She also has selective deafness !

So, still warm and all snug down here in the darkest depths of Devon, sorry for everyone who still has to travel in the rest of the country. No fun.

No fun for Mark either, he was stuck in snow miles away from home last night.
An hour's drive to work turned into a six hour trek back home.
At least Mark from Sparkybrand and Becca from Rebeccaswayround made their way home safely on Sunday. It was good to see them both.

If you really want to see the snow, turn on the TV. Gatwick airport didn't look like the place to be this morning..

View the snow from a door like Frank.

Or better still hibernate.
I like the sound of hibernation, apart from missing out on ice cream, I think Amie likes that idea too.
The giveaway has a slight twist, I hope you will like.
Your posts always make me chuckle. No snow here and no ice cream. I want my clothes to fit:)
Hi... I guess you must live in God's country, dear..
Sammi has selective hearing, too. He hears the pantry door open even when he is snoring up a storm..LOL..
Hugs xoxo
i love that picture of gatwick. Im very much snowed in here in croydon but love it. I never saw snow back dorset ;)
my cat likes ice cream too but not as much as tuna ;)
My old dog has selective hearing also. He can usually hear if someone is getting a snack. No snow here either, getting colder tomorrow though.
We all love ice cream too, and just like Amie, we know the sound of that box coming out of the freezer very well. Phantom only likes vanilla and Strawberry but the rest of us will eat any kind of ice cream at all.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Awww me and Charlie are all for following adorable Amie's lead and hibernating after lots of ice cream!!
Devon is looking lovely as is gorgeous Frank!
The blanket of snow I raved about yesterday in nearly gone. Oh well! There's still a few weeks to christmas!! :-)
take care
Good for Amie. I'm glad she got some ice cream - and a snooze later on. Still no snow here either - just a few drifting flakes earlier.
Mark's journey sounds like my husband's on the same kind of day. An hour's drive ends up being several hours stuck in traffic. At least he made it safely home.
We have ice outside and ice cream to enjoy indoors - oh well at least the kids are happy - they don't mind at all!
Best wishes
POOR MARK!! Does he carry emergency supplies with him? He should have stayed at Soggibottom. Or got his own little happy bubble.
Ice cream...oh yum...can't have it if you hibernate though, but a cozy warm hidey hole sounds really good right now!
It is funny, I think I eat more ice cream in the winter, lol. My dream would be to have an indoor lap pool;)
So unusual for you to have snow and so UNUSUAL for us to not. Um how about I let you keep all my snow too ;)
We woke up to three inches of snow here today - I'm hoping school will be closed and I'm one of the staff not a kid! NOT enjoying this weather!
Well I keep offering people some of our snow, but nobody seems to want it.
I hate-hate-hate the snow. It's far too early - I really like Autumn and I'm really cross that the snow cancelled it so quickly. Yesterday afternoon, when I was walking Missy, there were oak and birch leaves fallen on top of the snow. Leaf fall isn't finished yet, it isn't fair that we have snow already. :-(
Amie can have my ice cream til the snow has gone (and then I might manage to face a bowl ... or two!)
Your garden looks so beautiful, even late in the season.
Your happy blog made me laugh so I had to become a follower...I love happy:)
Funny, you can feel happy right through cyberworld sometimes...
Wishing you a great day...your fur-babies are sweet...hope Amie awakens to more ice cream, bless her:)
It's always too cold for ice cream for me! Brrrr, my mouth doesn't like cold. Maybe if I lapped it like Ames...
With our dogs its waffles they like most of all...
That photo of Gatwick is unbelieveable!
My husband would agree that it is never too cold for ice cream:) We've had a cold snap here but then again, we're wimps so anything under 50 makes us whine!
I'm all for hibernation and tell Amie that I like ice cream better in the winter. It stabilizes the inside and outside temperatures.
Glad everyone made it home safely, even if it did take way to long.
Now what sort of mystery surrounds the bear giveaway? Hmmm... very intriguing.
what a view from your window!! my sister made it safely home from london today, the snow did not stop her thank goodness :) thank you for the christmas card, you are such a special blogging friend ~_~
merry christmas to you and all at soggibottom
xxxxx rosey
Hia Midge, I'm catching up again. :-) No snow here either. Had rain last night which washed away the frost which hadn't melted for days. Oh well. I could do with just a little if it stopped it happening to those poor people in the NE.
Sore throats here so icecream always welcome. We'd share of course with Amie. My hounds are polite like that.
Hello and yes your blog is just the place to visit for an uplift! I absolutely love the view of your garden! beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog!!
Ames gets ice cream and I don't?
That does not even make sense to me.
you need snow so that Frost The Snowman can visit Ames
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