I've noticed this year we have more dead or dying bees in our garden.
We plant lots of flowers in the garden that they love, it helps to feed them.
Californian poppies, thyme's and flowering herbs, wallflowers and sunflowers.
Even in the veggie garden we have flowers, the more bees we have, the better our veggies are as they help to pollinate the veggie flowers. WE NEED BEES.................
Finding foxgloves on a Devon hill this morning made me think Soggibottom has got to have bee boxes as well as bird houses. A bee needs somewhere to hibernate in the Winter. I'm not good at woodwork, but I know someone in the cottage that is. Excellent in fact.
Tony has promised to make some bee boxes and we will blog how to make them.
Lucky for you out there........his instructions are always better and clearer than mine.
I added the spider as I thought the art that went into making this big guy was very clever. I really don't mind spiders, maybe not this big............
Beeeeeeees! Run.
Although I nearly take a panic attack at anything that buzzes and flies near my head simultaneously, I quite like the idea of bees and I know that they are extremely important! Building a bee box is a great idea. I think I know which someone would be very good at building something like that. Good luck! ;)
I'll be out of town for a few days, but I'll email you when I get back on Friday night. And I'll take some pictures and try to pick up a postcard or two when we stop for petrol! Oh I want to tell you all about the CUTEST baby moose I saw while driving on the highway yesterday. Didn't get the camera out fast enough but remind me to tell you about him when I get back!
Hope you and the hoodlums have a wonderful week! Mwah! xoxox
Yeah, I've noticed that here in Southern Cali about the bees. When I'm playing tennis, we find dying bees all over the court. Most of the time, I step on them to put them out of their misery. Although, sometimes I scoop them up on a leaf and pray that they are only resting and will recover.
The giant spider is gruesome! I love it :).
Step on them!!!!!!!!
Hummmm... it is a wonder what to do when you know their chances of recovery are 0%.
I found one in a bucket of water this aftenoon, trying to do the doggy paddle, rescued it but didn't feel like giving it mouth to mouth resus.
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