You might have thought that just because we have paws, we haven't noticed what has been going on ......

Trust me, we always have at least one eye open...

Just because we might seem to be putting our feet up and taking it easy..

Really warm and snug.....

One eye is always watching. Even though it might not be able to see as clearly as it used to.....

You know what I mean ?

Snug and warm... tomorrow is always another day!
So nice to see all looking so cozy and peaceful.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Nothing gets by the furry guys;)
Mine are all asleep today, one of their rare quiet days.
It's very relaxing to watch animals sleep .. erm I mean, to watch animals when they're noticing what's going on around them ;-)
What precious photos!
Well none of them seem to be too bugged by it, lol - now I want to go curl up and take a nap!!!
Hi Midge.. They are soooo cute:) Almost as cute as their owner:):)
Take care, dear...
Sleep Well....
The best kind of relaxation if you ask me... and its nice to be able to observe with one eye open,.and let the other eye sleep..
Great pictures and so true. I just want to hug those guys.
Nice to see that things don't get missed by this crowd.
They have everything under control I see......yawn:)
Animals always have the right attitude - not much is worth getting in a tizzy about!
Looks very relaxing at your place. Lucky has just been in season. Really must get her done.
you all look very laid back
Everyone looks so comfy! What great pictures. Did you know I have a King Charles Spaniel too?
You certainly look comfy....
Not only are they always watching, but they're always listening. If they hear a word they recognize, such as dinner or ride, they're up and dancing around.
Those fur babies are so sweet. Atleast they watching over everything even if it's with one eye! Hugs!
Animals especially the furry ones are such goog good company and so relaxing to watch.
Aww what snuggly fluffs!
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