Monday, 27 October 2014

Tuk Tuk Taco Project.

I asked Steve our eldest a while ago if Soggibottom could use this photo, it's one of Marley Wynn our granddaughter and Steve sitting with a guy he often has meetings with reference digging new water wells in the area of Cambodia where they live. Water wells mean clean water, clean water saves lives.

The last time we had seen Steve was 2010, he went walk about, stopping when he reached Cambodia.

Steve, Erica and Marley Wynn's visit to the cottage last Summer was something we had been looking forward to. Our eldest son, his new wife and our new granddaughter who we had never met before.

Apart from the water well project which is ongoing, there is another project now starting to take shape.  It's called the

Soggibottom isn't great on advertising as most know, but when our lad starts on a campaign, we like to give him all the help we can.   Happy belated birthday Steven.

Love Mum and Dad. X X X 

Monday, 13 October 2014

The arrival of the raining season

It's been a great Summer this year, I suppose it was too much to wish that it would last.The rainy season has hit the South West of England again.

We've been saying for weeks we needed some rain and at least there is now a decent amount of water again flowing through our stream/river (it's only classed by us as a river when it's about to overflow).

Our new dirt water ditch water relief channel seems to be working.

Here's the view on Saturday. The view from the play park end at the back of Soggibottom cottage.  The little weir still needs attention ref the water level and the right amount of water that should be flowing along the river. The sand bags in one corner have only been there for a few months. I'm sure those that know better believe the sandbags are going to help with water levels. We only live here, what do we know about water levels.

The same view today. The sandbags will be around, probably to be found floating down the river Teign by now, half way on their journey to the sea.

It has to be said, it's not a great day to be out and about especially for Freya Rose Blossoms. Our plans had to be altered last week, we never did make our intended visit to see our kids.  I also have to mention to Kiann, Jake and Tilly May.

Grandad has been eating the sweets he was going to bring you. 

Freya Rose Blossom can be found over at The Cat Flap Cavalier as usual.
Everyone keep dry. See you later guys :-) x x x

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Soggibiottom and The cat flap cavalier are having a bit of a break guys. Squeak to you all later. lots of love x x xx x

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Apple blossom found in Devon on the 1st October 2014.

October the 1st is normally the time of year when everyone's thinking of the run up to Halloween at the end of the month. Seemed strange as we are winding our garden down for Winter to find we have apple blossom on Amie Soto Blossom's apple tree.

 It's been known to see roses still in bloom on Christmas Day here.

 There are plants in bloom around our garden that are still giving glorious colour.

Blooms and colour in the front of the cottage as well as the back

.Who ever said Autumn is a sad and boring time of year ?

Freya Rose Blossom softly follows in Amie Soto Blossom's footsteps around Soggibottom cottage.

Freya can be found over at The Cat Flap Cavalier. 

See you all soon. :-) x x x