Just to remind everyone that Soggibottom cottage is in South Devon.
Lucky for us it's near enough for days out almost anywhere in the South West of England.

Yesterday our travels took us to Perranporth in Cornwall, we are frequent visitors as my aunt and uncle live here. Even in the Winter we nip over from the Channel side of England in Devon to the Atlantic side in Cornwall.

You can't visit the beautiful Atlantic Coast and not go to the beach, especially one that we used to visit when our kids were small. One that will always be one of our favorite beaches.

Harlyn Bay.
I still remember our own kids tripping gaily along the beach even though they were laden with all sorts of beach gear.
Buckets and spades. Football, surf board, towels, bags full of goodies and clean clothes. Everything but the kitchen sink.
Grace our black Labrador always carrying the cricket bat.
It never seemed to matter that she had already given it a good chew.

We were one of the families that would make their way right to the end, yes, over where the water laps the cliff in the distance. Passing all likely spots for our own special one. We would set up camp for the few hours that the tide allowed us before the waves from the Atlantic would roll and come crashing in as the tide turned.
All hopes of saving the sand castles and playing king Canute washed away.
The ways of tourists and day trippers.

Now we tend to stick to the cliff tops and view the scene below.
The quieter side of Harlyn Bay and the view to Travone Bay.

It's now time to sit and stare.... ask Amie Soto Blossom.....
Below in the video is the view she was looking at.
For Laurie, as I did promise you some sunny pictures of England. It really doesn't rain here all the time.
Also for Faye until she has the chance to walk on a beach again.
And to my friend Heather from Heckety at home, she is always playing tricks on me. A while ago she had given Soggibottom a link on her blog and I couldn't make it out why soggibottom had so much traffic from Ireland. I would love to return the complement.
One more mention, if you haven't yet found Tweedles along the blog road then here is the link. She will make you laugh and make you cry.
Some great pics! My in-laws are moving down to cornwall at the end of july so hopeing to stay with them when they are all settled in!
Now that is a beautiful beach! I enjoyed the trip down memory lane too!
Beautiful pictures, thanks for
Bear Hugs~Karen
Beautiful pics. Amie is living the life of Riley.
Amazing photos!! We can just feel those sea breezes! Thank you for sharing such a special place :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
My sister keeps telling me it is sunny in Cornwall. I have to admit I never did believe her! She is headed to Boscastle nexth month. I'll tell her to peek in on your blog. (I believe you have our sunshine and we have your rain...would you like it back?)
Sandee we could do with rain for our soggibottom veggie garden. But if you need it then, hey.... I am quite happy to let you have it :-)
Why Cornwall and not BEAUTIFUL DEVON...... Devon is greener :-)
x x x
Love the views and scenery, making me think that maine might be where I head for our anniversary;)
Your world gets more beautiful to me every time you share your photos.
I had not idea on how splendorious
(my own word) your coast and ocean is. I cannot believe the beauty.
Isn't it grand to remember those good times that live in the heart?
Those times that make us who we are today.
Does your ocean roar like ours?
Is your ovean emotional?
Do you ever see my friends Puff the Sea Horse and Star , the Star fish?
I hope the oil does not come to your ocean
Thank you so much for always taking the time to share. And also show us pictues of precious Amie, my little love
Ahh, thanks for those wonderful pictures of one of my favourite places in Britain. Many happy hours spent in Perranporth and we too used to go right to the far end where the interesting cliffs & rockpools are, away from the hordes. Happy Days!
Loved your pictures of Harlyn and Trevone, my grandsons favourite surfing beaches. I love the walk from harlyn to the cafe in Trevone where I can get a good coffee.
Glad you enjoyed your break aren't we lucky to have all this just a short drive away.
Have a sunny weekend,
Smiles, Angela.
Such breathtaking scenery! Thanks for sharing your photos.
Laura x
As I listened to the ocean, I closed my eyes for a second or two and I was there! I loved your ocean pictures today - thank you!!
Living the dream for so many of us! Gorgous!
lovely scenery. haven't been to Cornwall
SO fun to see the other side!! I love where you live! how nice to be so close to so many places!! I like the sunny pictures!! Hope you had a great week mine has been CRAZY!!! Work has been insane!!!
Have a happy weekend!
Hugs, Lisa & Molly!
ps Molly will be in Pink Sat this week ;)
Great photos and seeing your video I feel I should be sitting there enjoying the view... It has been a while... 8-)
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