I grew these.
I must admit that it was last year.

For some reason, sweet pea's don't want to grow in our garden this Summer. Maybe one is better than none. Before any one sends me an email, yes, I know it has a bug on it.

Rather than moan about something that can't be changed, it's better to go around the park and meet friends.

Barney is very well behaved and always lets Amie go first. Little gentlemen.

Although sometimes she takes advantage of him and pushes him out of the picture.

They had the whole park to themselves today.

Giving me time to notice how all the wild flowers are doing better than my sweet pea's.
This is Valerian.
For most gardener's it is a weed. I love to see it along walls and hedgerows all around the South West of England.

Dog Roses are in flower.

Blackberry are coming along nicely, (remembering this is the park and not my own
particuar space). I have made note of where they are though.

This is one of mine, it's here because I just love the colour.