Sunday, 8 November 2020

Back to Soggibottom with De Ark and Michele

In case anyone has wondered, I haven't gone anywhere although it's been a long while since I posted here. 

I used to start off with a photo of a place I had been or a snap of a moment captured in time around the cottage. I hope old friends who are reading this will forgive me for a slight change to the usual old posts.  

The cottage is still here and no flooding lately which is a bonus. Nothing much has changed in the cottage, the garden still grows during the growing season, repairs are attended to and I always seem to have a paint brush ready for a spot of paint when it's needed.

One change is that Ark and I are now the cottage keepers. Just us. 

Freya, my red headed nutty little Cavalier unfortunately caught a virus back in the Summer. As far as I know, along with over twenty other dogs in the village who all visited the stream in the park at the back of the cottage in the hot weather.  It was a long hot Summer and we were all a little pushed as to where we could go and where we could walk with our dogs. 

Freya was violently ill and from the first signs of the virus died within twelve hours. From one day to being a very healthy, slim, quick, little Ruby Cavalier to a very ill little dog who couldn't be saved. She went to sleep and never woke again in the cottage beside me. She was always Tony's dog and I'm sure she really only put up with me because she had to, but it broke my heart to think I had kept her safe for all that time since Tony died and then such a stupid thing that I had no control over killed her. 

I changed my vet before anyone asks.... Nothing would have saved her, Freya died here at the cottage and not in a place that was strange to her. Freya lived life to the full. Never a dull moment with beloved Freya. Ark and I miss her, the cottage is slightly quieter and yet, it will always seem she is around.

It's taken me months to be able to relay about Freya, but I know many of Soggibottom friends already know. Thank you for all the cards and beloved wishes.


Ark and I have walks every day, in all weather's. Woods and beaches. Long walks and short ones. Ark never goes into the stream at the back of the cottage in the park. 

He is a happy little guy and never fails to bring a smile to my face every minute of his company is cherished. Even if he always wants to attach himself to my foot.


A turning point for me that I have made a post after all this time. It might have been the email I had about one of my bear patterns earlier today. I remembered how much fun blogging was and how many friends I made. 

See yer later guys, Ark and I will be back,

Love Ark and his mum. XXX


  1. Oh how we've missed you guys! I was so very sorry to hear abouts Freya. Nasty virus. I can't believes it happened so fast! Butts, like you said, at least she crossed at home, with the ones who love her.
    Oh Ark, you are one handsome, happy puppers! Your happy face is priceless my furiend! I am sooooooo happy you guys are back!
    Ruby ♥

  2. How wonderful to hear from you! We are so sorry to hear about Freya. At least she was at home and right next to you when she passed. Hugs to you and Ark♥

  3. Awfully glad to see you posting again. We've missed you. We're sorry about your sweet little redhead. I'm sure Ark misses her too. My Norma Jean is my only Portie left and she has leukemia so I'm trying to spend most of my time with her. Are you still making bears?

  4. We have thought of you often. We are so deeply sad to hear that Freya Rose has crossed over the RAinbow Bridge. We know how special she was to you. Hugs.

    We look forward to seeing more of you and De Ark.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. I have so missed you guys..... Thank you xxx

  6. I can imagine how hard that is for you. We have had that happen in our area too, when the summer heat causes bacteria to grow. Bean will drink anything anywhere, so I have to be careful with him, he has had giardiasis, so our vet always checks for that too. I am glad you are blogging again and of course I keep up on Facebook.


  7. I am so sorry about Freya. And don’t apologise for not blogging for so long. Sometimes when life kicks you it takes sometime to get back up and running. I too have not been blogging much lately. Nothing terrible happened just so many other important things take over that end of the day one just needs to rest one’s head on the pillow.

  8. We're happy to see you back. We're still heartbroken about the passing of little Freya. Now Angel Freya and our Angel Momo are smiling from over the bridge.

    Pinot and mom

  9. My heart is broken for you. I can't believe it. I hope you are keeping well. Take care :)

  10. Hi Michelle, so sorry to hear about dear little Freya,she was always a pleasure to groom and you always made me feel welcome. Our grooming days are over now but I will always have happy memories of you,tony Amy ,Freya and Ark and think of you often when I look at the teddy bears you made for me. Stay safe love melanie


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