Sunday, 24 February 2013

Demolition d day - normal comment mode is back.

Only a few hours left of peace and quiet around here until the 200 year old cottage next door is pulled down...

It never ceases to amazing us the things local authorities do when it suits them...
The normal weight restriction that can safely cross our little entry way is 7 and a half tons. Strange how the weight limit has suddenly jumped up to 40 tons a few days before the cottage next door is due to be demolished. The little bridge badly needs resurfacing, I wonder just how it will look in a month or two's time.
Especially with all the comings and goings over the next, three weeks, well, they said three weeks, but then it could be four, or five, or six. They have to build a new water construction to help the flow of the river. There is also a possibility that it will help our flooding problem, so, fine... pull the house down next door, but please take care of our medieval bridge.... We won't put our new flood gate into mothballs yet!

Normal comment mode has been restored on Soggibottom's blog, in my haste to again try and filter out spam, I over done it with something or other, so it's all back just the way it was now...
Blogger is quite good at filtering things that shouldn't be there, but there's always someone who can sneak past..... I will be very vigilant and on the look out for spam more often. If there is anything that doesn't quite look right on the comments page, anyone advertising their own blog is a good example, please don't click, you never know what your going to find at the other end of the click... I'll try my best to get rid of them first. 

Thanks for all the mail today letting us know about the unable to comment mode...  I thought I must have bored everyone silly jabbering on about a packet or two of tomato seeds !

Lynda over at The Friendly company of bears sent me an email this morning to say her seeds are already in...
I'm not sure how much light the pots in our window are going to get over the next weeks, but they have been sown.

With luck they should get more light eventually... that yellow wall is going... It looks close in the photo doesn't it.. it is...

Freya Rose Blossom has been out and about over at her blog, she will probably be out and about a lot more in the coming weeks... Although I do intend to try hard to post a daily blog during the next month or so.  Lack of sleep and noise might just get the better of both of us...

So, big day tomorrow, bring it on, they start work at eight in the morning... groan, far too early...


  1. I suppose that the powers that be would call it progress. What a shame but then again, if it is structuraly unsound, then I suppose it should go. I do hope your bridge survives and good luck with the tomatoes. Still too early for us. Next month.

  2. I know this is serious, Midge but you make it sound like good fun somehow.. smile..
    Hope you get enough sleep, though..
    God bless, my sweet friend.. xo

  3. Nice shots, I love that old bridge. I detest spam, I had a major issue with it, sometimes getting more than 10 spam comments each day, until I disallowed anonymous comments.

  4. That won't be fun and a mess while they are working.


  5. And I thought it was something I said!! You really shouldn't fiddle with things, you know you can't be trusted! ;0)

    Good luck this morning with your invaders - I have the utmost sympathy as we have had a similar thing going on for a month now with several months more disruption ahead of us. Stay calm and try not to hurl abuse at the builders, difficult though that is I can assure you!

  6. Awwww that's so sad about the old cottage! :-( And what a noise nuisance for you! :-( But it better be all worth it and your bridge better not be damaged!

    Oooh have the tomato war started already!?!?! Yay! :-)

    Take care

  7. We hope the demolition is over quickly so that peace will be restored!
    The yellow daffies are so cheerful!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  8. We feel for you with the weeks of bish,bash,bosh. We hope the demolition goes quickly and there is not too much disruption and dust. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. I always enjoy seeing your photos. Isn't it interesting how "things" happen - like the "weight increase" on your road "just before" a major change occurs. I guess things like this "happen" everywhere.

    Stay dry - and hug a four legged baby!!

  10. Oh look at the little seeds growing!
    Whats going on with all this spam stuff? We get hit too.


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