Sunday, 11 November 2012

Poppy day

It really is taking time to get things back into a livable condition here at Soggibottom after the whole place flooded, seems like weeks ago,............................ it was... weeks ago. We have lost count of the days now as they seem to mingle into each other.

Small stream.. BIG PROBLEM when the water tables and the amount of rainfall and the high tides go together, We live near to the South West Coast...  Tide times Rule.. who ever thought that at 20 minutes past four in the morning, there would be a flood in the cottage.


This is our biggest problem, one that has yet to be solved. Underwater wells and water tables....
A high bank that surrounded and cut off the cottage from the playing field, well, we really thought the high bank (mini dyke) would do the trick. Just goes to show you, how you should never take things for granted.

Lots and lots of berries on the tree's this year, is that because we are going to have a hard and cold Winter or because of the the amount of rainfall ?

There is only so much brown muddy water that you can take in.

They aren't my shoes by the way.

We have all made the best of things over the last few weeks.

It's what we are really good at..

Freya was a bit too quick for the camera, in her enthusiasm to try new things out... she is over at the CATFLAP CAVALIER .
Not our usual post on such a special  Sunday.
We all wear our poppies with pride XXXXXXXXXX 


  1. I love how Freya has her own box of goodies, lol.
    I hope things can get back to normal for you, hard to relax.


  2. I do hope Santa comes early to you this year in the shape of a flooring team and a furniture delivery man. Must be so difficult living in an empty shell now the nights are drawing in and the temperature is dropping. No wonder Freya enjoyed the sofa showroom!

  3. Thinking of you guys. Hope you are soon toasty warm and dry in front of that logburner. xx

  4. Hi I am at MollyDOTthewallyATbtinternetDOTcom
    Have a super Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Wow it IS wet there. Hope things come together soon for you, dear Midge. You need a comfy seat!

  6. Hope things are getting better, my friend....

  7. And we know how you do make the best out of what ever predicament there is.


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