Friday, 14 September 2012


Thanks guys for all your good wishes for Karina... here she is out of hospital with her new pup Stella.

This is the photo Karina agreed to let me show you, the other one with Stella in her arms was too good not to show you too. Karina is now on the road to recovery, we can also say that she had good news from her hospital results today.

Lots of hugging and kissing and big sighs. Jake and TIlly May were kissing and hugging on Wednesday when we went to visit.

 Lots of kisses from Freya to Mr Chops. Freya never needs an excuse to give her kisses away.

Now it's time to catch up on all the things we haven't been doing.
It seems as if it has been a very long road over the last few weeks.
I promise to catch up with everyone soon.

As for Stella, Karina's new little pug pup, we think she is going to have a very happy time in her new home.

As for our beach babe, looking at Freya here, you can't help but wondering what she's thinking, "IS IT FRIDAY".. I'm sure you can think of a better caption.
Freya is over at Catflap Cavalier with more pics of Stella and Mr Chops... and more pics of Freya Rose Blossom, we might have to change her name to the laughing Cavalier.


  1. I am so glad to hear about Karina and I think the first photo is nice, natural pose and she is beautiful. Love Stella, she looks like she has lots of personality.


  2. What is is with Karina and dogs with scrunchy faces?!
    So glad she's getting better - she looks really well.
    Stella looks like a sweetie too!

  3. Fabulous Freya is thinking "Those are funny pawprints..."! LOL!

    Awwww brilliant news about Karina! She is looking amazing and best of all she has a gorgeous new sweetie! Stella is stunning!!

    Take care

  4. Great to hear Karina's on the mend and looking well!
    Stella is adorable!
    Best wishes

  5. So good to hear that Karina is home and doing better. That little pug pup sure is a cutie.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. That's wonderful news! Karina looks good and Stella will keep her entertained, I'm sure.

    My pack is finally starting to get over this nasty virus. Samba and Sky are still sick and I have two that haven't had it yet. I don't know if they're waiting for me to let my guard down before they get sick, or if they'll just skip it altogether.

  7. Such good news about Karina. I bet you are having a nice sit down now with a cup of tea. You can let out a big sigh of relief:)

  8. We are so happy to hear that Karina is home! Stella is just adorable!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  9. What an adorable new addition to the family. I'm sending healing thoughts to Karina. Stella will help her to mend, I'm sure.

  10. So glad to hear she got good've all been on my mind daily, hon, I've missed you! Love Stella, she just looks like she knows everyone adores her and quite expects it, lol! And Freya of course is a little beauty. But not as much as your kids and grandkids.

  11. Happy for Karina et all. She certainly is beautiful. Positive thoughts going your way.

  12. We are so happy that the news was good for Karina ! She is such a trooper and we cheer her on to recovery.
    We also love her new baby- Stella.
    What a little doll!
    We would like to join right in with all the kissing going on- Jake and Tilly May, and Freya and Mr. Chops!
    Happy Days our sweet friends across the the big ocean.
    We love you!

  13. Great news! Love the pic of her and the pup, she is beautiful and the dog is a cutie, too! I think hugs are in order, all around! :) Hope you are doing well,
    my friend.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  14. That's excellent news about Karina, I'm glad to hear it. And that's a cute puppy!

  15. I am sorry to see you daughter was in the hospital. I can only imagine the stress for you and her. Glad to see the pups are making sure her homecoming is filled with slobber - er in a good way!! Lots of doggie kisses cures all!

  16. Great news about Karina. I hope she has a wonderful time with the new pug.


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