Saturday, 28 April 2012

Oh, I took that ..... Blogger is too slow uploading photo's.... GET A GRIP GUYS

I love having our new camera back..

Our little pink number is again relegated back into the cupboard......
She is reliable.... and pink, so defiantly a "she".....  not that I ever get attached  !

I hadn't forgotten the photo's that were on our old NEW camera before it went to be repaired.... I just never realised that with everything removed from the camera,  the memory of the photo's would still be there. DIM, or what ?
Not enough sleep maybe..... 

Blogger at the moment is such hard work trying to upload photo's. Scrub that. A PHOTO.... The keys on the keyboard move quicker than uploading a photo to blogger.......................  You can type five words a minute and still be a star..... ref.. it's quicker than trying to upload a photo.

It distracts me from what I want to say...
This is one of the photo's in the camera... Thinking here, when they were down loaded they weren't that bad.. not great, but not bad......  This is the farm where Bessie the dog lives .......

Trying to upload a photo, blogger has completely lost me on my train of thought. ...........

I haven't seen Anemone's for sale ever. I have only seen them on 1960's chocolate boxes.
No one tell me I am that old .... 

That must have been before the Internet and BLOGGER and trying to download a photo.

I love anemone's. I used to look at my Nana with pleading eye's at Christmas and she would delve into her Christmas Chocolates more than she might have if I hadn't have been right beside her with calf eye's.

Or soft brown eye's like Freya's.. Freya hasn't made a post this week, she has been out and about, but like me, busy this week....... I'm sure she'll catch up, Have a great weekend guys .


  1. I love your anemones, too. I didn't have much luck growing them though, so I gave up. Something must be going on in blogland because I've had some funny problems with uploads too. Ridiculous!

  2. Beautiful flowers, love the colors together.
    I usually can upload without a problem, but I do size and fix the photos before I put them in, maybe yours are too big, going in?


  3. Nope Debbie, I resize every pic I take... two of my kids are very .. sorry, three of my kids are very street wise ref computers and phone's............ They got it from their mum :-) :-) ~:LOL~~ x x x

  4. It's that streamlined new format, it works soooooo well! Kudos Blogger on making it hard work - I did a post with about 14 pics on and it took me half an hour!

    Love anemones - you bought them cheap! The colours are always so rich, gorgeous!

  5. Freya is adorable - great shot! So are you going to post some Easter Island photos???

  6. I love the anemones!!!! I haven't had any trouble uploading pics, but I use the links to my flickr photos so maybe that's the difference. Glad your camera is home, love the pics, especially of darling Freya!!!

  7. We love Anemones too, but have never grown them.
    We did our first little post today with the new "speedy- streamline" and it took 2 hours to figure it all out. Your right,,, its slower than it was before.

  8. Such a beautiful Post - I see it has previously mentioned about resizing you photos, so much quicker. I love your flowers and of course your beautiful puppy, what a star!
    Hugs - Lurline

  9. Boooo to new blogger!! Yay for gorgeous anemones with beautiful eyes just like adorable Freya's!! Take care

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  11. Oh, I love the anemones! I haven't seen then since I was living in Germany. Three was a very old woman that used to have a flower cart in the church yard of the Elisabeth Cathedral. She was so nice and she had the cutest little black dog. I remember stopping to buy flowers from her every Friday and spending time patting her dog too! Thanks for the memories!

  12. Lovely flowers and lovely Freya:)

  13. Yes it takes ages to loads photos. I leave them loading then go and do something else and forget I had started a new blog post. I know -I've the brain of a goldfish!

    Yes I like anemonies too- such pretty colour. Soak the bulbs 24hours before planting so they are all plump and swollen and you get a better growth rate.


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