Wednesday, 7 December 2011

December 7th 2011 Soggibottom's giveaway results.

December the 7th already......

Thank you for all my great birthday wishes and cards. If I haven't managed to get around to everyone A BIG THANK YOU to all who posted  Soggibottom's giveaway on their blog. I know I never got around to everyone to check. But you were all entered anyway. We have our HI Tec random generator to pull out the winning number, which will correspond with the comment number on the giveaway.

This year the hi tec number holder, is Ted's, Santa's Little Helper hat.

Another of Santa's Little Helpers pulled out the winning number.

Which is...................

Number 32............  Hi Allie. Bear will hopefully arrive before Christmas. Congratulations.

Before everyone clicks off......... last year I had three giveaways on December 7th. I hate to disappoint anyone. Next year there will another giveaway maybe at Easter, maybe before.... January is a very long month after Christmas. It needs brightening up, don't you think ?
Thank you everyone who entered this year, so many new faces and blogs I have yet to explore. Loads of old faces that I love to see. Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys and all the get well wishes.. Hopefully, normal service at  Soggibottom blog will be resumed soon......... as Freya and Frank would say, lots of luvs X X X
Freya is as always, over at her blog CAT FLAP CAVALIER
Searching for Santa Paws.......... 
Congratulations Allie................ X X X


  1. Happy Birthday Midge! Congratulations Allie on winning the sweet little bear! I'm loving the elf shoes and so happy to have found something i'd like to make. (Definate absence of sewing mojo here!) Thanks for the inspiration! xx

  2. Congratulations to Allie! I think you're right, everyone needs a lift about mid-January. I'll have to think about having a giveaway then, too.

  3. The happiest Birthday wishes to you Midge. Hope it was a wonderful one!

  4. Happy happy birthday, dear friend..
    Many many more..
    Congrats to Allie...

  5. Happy birthday Midge!!!!!!

    My blogoversary is coming up soon but I haven't decided if I'll have a giveaway...

    Congratulations Allie:)

  6. Happy Birthday Midgie!
    Congratulations to Allie!

  7. Congratulations to Allie!
    I hope she loves her bear as much as I love mine:)


  8. Oh my! Did I miss your birthday?! Was it just 2 days after mine? A fellow Scorpio or did I read the date wrong. So sorry to have missed wishing you all the best. I do hope you had fun celebrating.

  9. Congrats to Allie! I hope you had a great birthday!

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  10. *swoon* I can't believe I won your bear on your birthday! Thank you darling Midge, I will take very, very good care of him and give him all the love he can handle...I will make him as happy as I can here, and offer him tea, and take him for walks on the beach!

    I hope you had a very good birthday my friend, and that everyone spoiled you rotten...kisses to Freya and Frankie de Tabby!

  11. Happy Birthday Midge!
    Congratulations Allie!

  12. Allie's won a gorgeous Soggibottom bear! What a great Christmas gift!
    Thanks for hosting, Midge!
    Best wishes

  13. Congrats Allie! Lucky you. Midge, you are so sweet to have the giveaway and let us into your cottage world.

  14. So happy to see Allie win! She's another sweet pea! Happy days :)

  15. Happy Birthday and congrats to your winner! Enjoy the holiday season! Hugs! ♥♥♥

  16. Happy birthday dear Midge! Hope your day was great.
    Best wishes

  17. Congrats to Allie, Yay! Wanted to thank you, Midge, for your kindness last month. I'm not sure I ever responded to you, but your words and thoughts meant the world to me. Such a busy time then, it's wonderful to be back to "normal" and able to get back to my favorite blogging friends. Love your site, can't wait for your next give-away. I agree, January always needs a little uplift. Thanks for sharing, and happy birthday. Hugs, Karen

  18. A belate happy birthday to you Midge! Hope it was a good one!!

    Congrats to Allie on her wonderful win of your sweet little bear!!

    Hugs to Freya! ;)

  19. Great giveaway! How fun!
    Love the mystery hat....who's gonna win....
    Congrats to Allie :)

    Big hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  20. Congrats Allie!

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday!


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