Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Sorry, no snow here

Snow, what snow ?

The whole country is deep in snow except in a few places...
Lucky us..... NO SNOW....................
Not a smidge....
luv Midge :-x x x )


  1. Lucky you. We have no snow either. It rained today with a high of 12.

  2. It's cold here but no snow:( And we want it too, but not Mom.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. No snow here either, but it certainly isn't swimming weather.

  4. Awwwww I opened my door this morning to a blanket of snow!! Yes, that cliche was so apt!!! A seriously glorious blanket of snow!!

    Ok, I'll stop going on about the snow now. It was just so lovely!

    Hi!! My first time on your fun blog!! Take care

  5. *sob* I want to go swimming outside! I know that wasn't taken today, lol...but still. Glad you don't have any snow, we don't either but it might be coming tonight!

  6. Oh lucky you!!! Enjoy! 8-)

  7. frosty the snow man will come when you least expect it.
    i am jealous of that pool!

  8. You must be the only place in the UK that doesn't have snow - we got our portion yesterday.
    If only it was pool weather now....

  9. I am totally fed up with snow. We got loads last year, it's still too fresh in the mind to enjoy it at all so early this year. It's getting in the way of loads of things - delivery of materials not arriving, hopefully it won't prevent me going to Cambridge on Saturday but I'm not hopeful.

  10. No snow in Babbacombe glad to say, just easterly winds and rough seas.

    Warm cinnamon smiles heading your way, Angela.

  11. We've got enough to spare,if you'd like some?

  12. You got any yet? 28 degrees here today. We are having some very unseasonable weather at the moment. We have not had any rain for weeks and we need rain or we will run out of water in the summer. By the way I had a nice surprise in the post yesterday. My first, thanks.
    Judith x

  13. Hi Midge... Not a smidge, eh? LOL.. to think I was getting ready to emigrate when I saw that pic. Then someone posted that it wasn't just taken...LOL....
    Ahhhh...I guess I'll stay in Canada. What's a few feet of snow anyway? lol..
    Hugs xoxoxo

  14. No snow here on the Fylde Coast either Midge. Icy pavements though.

  15. My dogs would love that pool. There wouldn't be room for anyone else when they all jumped in.


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