Thursday, 28 October 2010

Stonehenge in October.

Sometimes when things get tough, Frank keeps his eye's closed.
Soft, fluff ball. He could have washed his face before he had his pic taken.

Sorry guys, another pic of Stonehenge, I can never resist clicking when we go past.
As you see it was busy around the stones yesterday. It always is..... no puns about sheep this time..................... I'm tempted....... but I have resisted !
To say bah would be o.k. ................... follow like sheep for anyone who hasn't read earlier posts.

A huge thank you to everyone who sent their love and best wishes to our daughter Karina, who was sitting up in her hospital bed yesterday when we reluctantly left her to come home.
Not quite the usual run of the mill routine hip replacement.
We feel very proud of her........... one hip down, one to go.

Also a mention for her other half Jason. For never leaving her side.
Being there when we can't.


  1. We are still thinking good thoughts for Karina. It must warm your heart to know she has such a good man in her life. We hope she continues to do well, and that the second operation will go well too.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  2. Sweet Frank was busy at home keeping the fire going while you were all up at the hospital. So her is a tired KIT KAT.
    More get well wishes we send to Karina,,,
    we know she will do good, and be sure to tell her bloggy land has her in their thoughts.
    We give you restful thoughts too and also Karina's hubby

  3. Wonder if Mew is dreaming of those soft puffy clouds.
    Glad to hear Karina's operation is over. Now, a swift recovery is in order.

  4. Oh Frank, you must bathe more often. Honestly. My prayers are going up for Karina!

  5. Wishing Karina a speedy recovery and sending good vibes to you all.

  6. So glad Karina's surgery went well, you must be relieved.
    That's one amazing sky over Stonehenge! Certainly wasn't like that up this way yesterday!

  7. Glad the op went well

    Stonehenge view looks lovely

  8. I am glad to hear Karina is doing well. It is amazing what they can do now. I will put up some photos of a certain black guy who is now sleeping in my office;)


  9. Sending my love to Karina, once she is up and about with her new hips it won't take her long to get back to her old self. I know several senior ladies in town that have had hip or knee replacement and they are better than new. So I am optimistic for Karina! Poor girl, it's no fun sitting around in a hospital bed being away from one's babies. xoxoxo

    Oh to be a "sheep" and visit Stonehenge. ;) Yes I do want to see it in person someday, as well as the rest of the English countryside! The weather is colder here now, we had our first snowfall Monday morning thank goodness it melted to rain as it fell. I don't want to see any snow on the ground this year! How is the weather over on your side of the pond? Still warmer than us, I bet?

    All my love! xoxo


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