Sunday, 17 October 2010

The real news

I love my kids, they come home and then "teach" me something new...............

So to your right Soggibottom now has a real news channel.

I know this might not be the normal for a Soggibottom post, but I like it !

The only thing that worries me, it's not in English :-)xxx


  1. It looks pretty - who cares if you can read it!! I love too how our kids bring us into the 21st century!

  2. Ha! At least it keeps you up-to-date - somewhere.
    My homepage is the news so I get all the highlights.

  3. Hi Midge... the news in English is depressing anyway so it is just as well if you can't understand Just use your imagination and it will say whatever you
    I WISH....
    God bless...

  4. Hi Midge
    that is the coolest photo!
    And thank goodness for kids to figure out stuff for us,,, and sorta keep us up to date on the latest and greatest.
    Thats cool that you have news now!

  5. LOVE the pic! Hey I clicked on the first one and it was in English - well, American - interesting stuff!

  6. Weeell, we can't have everything.

  7. Great photo of your chaps, Midge! Pity the news isn't so happy these days! But hey, we're still here, roofs over our heads and food on the table, which is more than a lot of people have x

  8. You are after your own TV channel aren't you, come on, admit it! Soggibottom-World, excellent.....woooeeooooeooo
    (Showing my immaturity and that Wayne's World is one of my favourite films....)

  9. Caroline we both know.....
    it's not what you know.
    It is who. :-) ha ha :-)xxx

  10. Here I was all prepared to listen to the news in French or something like that and it came across on my side completely in English!


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