Sunday, 10 October 2010

I have friends

I have my dear friend TIlly May........

I have one of my best friends from Sparky Brand................ Mark, Becca is there too if you follow Sparky Brand...... Love Becca ............

I have Kiann.................. love Kiann.............

Love my best friends.......................... Mark, Karina, Jason, Becca, Kiann, Jacob and Tilly May
All and every single one of them, because they love me...............

My very best best friend plays the fool and wears pink................

My real owner......................... she loves me the very best of all........................

Then it's time to say good bye and see you again soon.......

The best thing about best friends ............... one ...................................


  1. Awww - It looks like you had a good time, dear Midge, but that last pic made me want to cry - don't wanna say goodbye - Tilly May is too adorable!

  2. It's always hard to say good bye to loved ones, isn't it? What a lovely photo of you and your owner:)

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. It's so nice to have friends who love us soooo,,, all kinds of friends and best friends for sure.
    Ames Soto Blossom, you are so lucky to get all the love coming your way.
    What sweet smiles and happiness I see.
    We love these family photos so much. They are so touching,
    It's not always fun when its time to go home,,, but just keep dreaming of when you get to go back,, and have more faces to kiss.

  4. That is so sweet, and Tilly May has such the cutest little face.


  5. Precious. What a great gathering. Hope the food was OK.

  6. I bet your best friends just LOVE those Cavalier Hugs as much as we love giving them.
    <3 Miss Kodee @Bark'n About

  7. Looks like you had a lovely day yesterday! Thank you for sparing the time to pop by & say hello - did you manage to jam a sofa in the car for the return journey??

  8. What very precious pictures of your lovely family. Glad you had a good day. x x x

  9. is there a cuter face than that of tilly may?? wow what a sweetie. you certainly are a lucky pup to have all that love around you. the last photo made my heart go pitter patter with pure emotion.

  10. I loved seeing your family, and what wonderful pics your shared.

  11. Lovely pictures. The little ones are beautiful.

  12. Looks like Amie had a lovely time with so many fans.


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