Thursday, 21 October 2010


I know who had the upper hand here.
After letting the pigeon walk all over her, under her, around her she even licked it.
It must bring a new meaning to feathered friends.
It also had a fair number of our chips.

We and Amie have had a busy week, from Amie sitting pretty on the way to the hairdresser.

To a good check up on her way to the vet the day after.
I know some of you know she hasn't been quite herself the last few months.
Old age catches up with us all eventually.
Pleased to say she is very well for a teenager.

Another busy day today, this time in Cornwall, for all those that have been to Padstow I'm sure you recognise the harbour,

also the shell shop.
There were shops, now how mean would we be if we never gave Amie the chance to show off her haircut around the shops.

Or have a good look in the mitt shop.

Fudge shop.

Then back to the car for the journey home.

Amie is very good at corners.

She normally digs her claws into the car seat and hangs on.

Atlantic Highway take us home......


  1. OMG the landscape photos are beautiful, the fudge yummy but your "New meaning to feathered friends" really tickled me!

  2. What a lovely post. Amazing that the pidgeon let Amie come so close. All those quaint little shops and the scenery, but mostly Amie looks like a puppy still not a teenager. It must be the haircut.

  3. Great news to hear she had a good vet report. AND she looks so pretty with her new grooming. Of course, she had to perambulate around the shops - we loved seeing the shops too.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  4. That last photo could have been taken along the Pacific Coast just north of Ventura California! Wow!

  5. Amie surely doesn't look in need of a salon, does she? She's such a beauteous little girl. Your landscape pics are incredible - and I'd love to visit all those shops!

  6. Ames you are so cute, that we cannot keep from looking at you.
    Your new hair cut is adorable.
    We love looking into your brown, brown eyes.
    We are so glad to hear your doing good little Ames,,, keep it up!
    The harbor is absolutly breath takingly gorgeous.. All those shops and all... how fun to see them. We cannot believe that birdie and Ames!! Oh my gosh!

  7. Amy is such fun to take places, my dog acts stupid, so I leave him home. Love those windy roads.


  8. I'm so glad Amie got to show off her new hairdo. She did get a treat didn't she?
    I can't believe the pigeon didn't fly away. Tame! Must have known that Amie was a friend.

  9. She is so cute!! Looks like a puppy to me ;)
    Hugs, Lisa & Molly!!

  10. What a beautiful day to visit Cornwall on! I think I may have spent money in that shell shop in the past.....
    I'm with Debbie, my dog acts stupid when out too...he would have eaten the pigeon!

  11. Hi Midge,
    I love the pic of Aimee with the pidgeon. It was nice to see Padstow, is it still busy!! when is it not.
    I could almost smell the fish and chips at Rick Steins.
    Weather has been graet for trips to Cornwall.
    Smiles, Angela.

  12. That first photo is wonderful. She looks lovely after her visit to the beauty parlour and I'm so glad to hear she's OK, just getting a bit older - aren't we all?

  13. great photos Amie is looking smart.
    Love the pigeon picture

    Want to visit the fidge and mitt shops

  14. Oh, you make my heart ache to visit England looking at your beautiful photo's!!! We went to Cornwall when I was very little but I don't have much memory of it other than stepping in dog poop but I had my wellies on:)

    Amie is precious, too cute!

  15. Amie looks lovely, sorry she's feeling the ravages of time (aren't we all?!) but she does indeed still look like a puppy. Beautiful pictures on what looks like a wonderful day.

  16. Glad Amie got the all clear at the vet. Ours had their MOT earlier this month.

    Yes she does need to promanade her new hair cut. What a lovely place you found for her.

    I had to laugh at the pushy pigeon. :-)

  17. I love the pictures. I think Amie liked having someone she could look down on for a change. Also love the no traffic road you travel. I'd have to be up at 2 a.m. to have roads even close to that empty:)

  18. What can I say? You are soooo great at this blogging thing!!
    I know that Amie makes you look good but STILL....
    Loved all the pics but the bird one was SPECIAL even over the Atlantic beach one...
    Have a good weekend..
    Oh, did you get my

  19. Glad that Amie is doing well!


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