Monday, 4 October 2010

Ashes to Ashes

I'm pleased someone does heights........

The tree outside the cottage almost lost a branch in a storm over the weekend.
I say almost because it was hanging on by a splinter and really unsafe.

Not often someone is perched on the tree outside my bedroom window.

I had to make the most of it and watch......
I don't "do" heights, so this guy had my admiration.


  1. Glad he got to it before it came down on its own and hurt someone or something.

  2. No heights for me either - hope that guy got the branch down safely.

  3. Ack no heights for me either, not anymore! Not even getting on a chair. Glad he got it down before it fell on someone!

  4. Thank goodness there are tree monkeys that people can hire!
    Not me either,,, it takes talent to handle a saw and shimmy up that tree!
    Glad your getting it taken care of !

  5. Glad you got that sorted - I don't do heights either, my new steps - with 2 steps - frighten me!

  6. I don't do heights or sawing either. Both far too dangerous to my way of thinking.

  7. I don't do heights either but admire peolpe that climb so high and saw

  8. Good that the tree wasn't too badly effected by the high winds. Hubby doesn't do heights either. He says it's got worse with age.

  9. You wouldn't catch me up in a tree now-a-days either!!! Good the branch is gone, so you can rest easy... 8-)


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