Monday, 20 September 2010

Did she or didn't she go to the ball part two

This is Guildford Cathedral.
The last time we were here I remember the trees being so much smaller.
We expected to be greeted with great views of the countryside.

No views, only of the inside of the Cathedral.

Some were impressed.

The boys.

Some of the wedding guests.

Yes, of cause Amie went.
Notice the not so clean paws.

As for the balloon, it reminded us that it was time to go home.

South West and over the hill, after having a fantastic time with Mark from Sparky Brand and Rebecca from Rebeccasway around on their Wedding Day.

Don't you just love your kids, especially when they come home with such a beautiful bride.


  1. Oh Midge what a beautiful wedding!
    I love the 'cheeky' flowergirl!
    Congratulations to the happy couple!

  2. What a great looking wedding and a wonderful couple. It was nice that Amie got to go too. I'm sure she would have been miffed if she had missed it.

  3. Congratulations to the newlyweds and congratulations to you too!

  4. Oh my! If we had a cathedral as lovely as that, I think I'd go for getting married again. (Could I marry the same one I've had for 41 years?!)
    Absolutely beautiful, he certainly did well!

  5. The inside of the cathedral is gorgeous!
    Such nice photos.
    Congratulations to the bride and groom!

  6. Your new daughter in-law looks just beautiful! I would love to give her a famous Cavalier Hug ;)

    What a stunning Cathedral and countryside.

    Psst, your dirty lil paws look cute to me, but then I am a smitten Tri Cavalier girl *blush*

    <3 Miss Kodee @Bark'in About

  7. Beautiful bride and wedding party, gorgeous church, and a happy dog - sounds like a perfect wedding day.

  8. It's all so beautiful !!! I am enjoying the photos !!

  9. What a beautiful Cathedral to be
    married in! Thanks for sharing!

    Bear Hugs~Karen

  10. Aaahhh. Lovely photos. I'm so glad Amie's invitation turned up in time. I bet you're tired now though.

  11. Amie the wedding crasher!!! HAHA!

    I think you couldn't get a better crash guest.

  12. what a wonderful wedding didn't realise it ws in the cathedral

  13. What no tiara for Amie?
    A daughter in law who invites a dog to her wedding is a very good d-i-l indeed.

  14. Lovely, lovely, lovely! All lovely, how lovely. Thanks for sharing these lovely photographs :-)

  15. Wow! Big cathedral!!! Congrats to all! 8-)


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