Wednesday, 11 August 2010

It pays to be a pirate sometimes.

Pirate time................

It never plays to cheat.
Especially when someone is watching closely.

You know I should have seven letters.
Fluff didn't have a clue !
I didn't win in case your wondering.


  1. Your house is filled with some of the most expressive, charismatic animals I have ever seen... and the dog and cats are pretty funny too. ;)

  2. Glad you didn't win if you were cheating ;) Poor Fluff!
    Have a great day!

    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Haven't noticed any Pirate ships in Torbay this week guess they must all be over your way or maybe sailing up the Dart. We all know there are quite a few pirates in Totnes.
    Yo Ho Ho!

  4. Great outfit Cap'n Soggibottom!

    Tut! Fancy you cheating!

  5. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes and extending my celebration! BOL!

    Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

  6. I'm always amazed by the costumes in Soggibottom's wardrobe!
    How funny you got rain - we've got some too!
    Thanks again for my goodies!

  7. Looks like Fluff has to do a little bit of homework.
    I do like the pirate.

  8. Love that pirate outfit!!! I'm always interested to see what he will be wearing next. Very creative. Where was Amie during that game of scrabble?

  9. Amie Soto Blossom11 August 2010 at 22:34

    I could have been asleep..... actually, I think I was :-) zzzz zzzzzzzzz zzzzz
    luv AMe's x x x x x

  10. I just love all those bear clothes.
    They could have a modeling show!

  11. Love his new outfit, just like me, lol.
    I love scrabble, but for some reason no one in my family will play with me;) Can I help it, if I am a walking dictionary. My kids always asked me how to spell things and I said look it up;)


  12. Arrr Matey - love the costume! And oh poor Frank, I'm glad you didn't win, lol! Midge, you can always cheer me up.

  13. Not surprised you didn't win with that poor set of tiles! I love Scrabble as I actually stand a chance of winning that game, unlike Monopoly which I always lose and become most unsportsmanlike about it...

  14. what a swashbuckling fellow!!
    hope you and yours at soggibottom are all ok :)

  15. thanks for putting a smile on my dial!

  16. Oh dear bears! That's a fun game there...even with missing pieces :)
    By the asked who was in the water with was dad, I was towing him in the lake :)

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  17. I always love to see your photos of your pets, brings a smile to my face....would you please send me your email address as I would like to send you a small Pay It Forward gift...look forward to hearing from you soon x

  18. I never knew that cheating could be so lucrative......... :-)
    Thank you all ladies. As always. Only kidding.... I never cheat...
    I never drop a Scrabble tile and put it up my sleeve... although I know someone who does :-) x x x

  19. Tony (Brett Maverick)12 August 2010 at 22:43

    I'm pleased that she mentioned that she didn't win!!!! cheats never prosper!! (and shes still saying that she didn't cheat) I NEVER CHEAT!


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