Thursday, 26 August 2010

Frog and toad and toad revisited

The only way I could post today's photo's from the cottage was to post another photo that I showed back in February.
This is Frog.... don't ask !

Hi Frog
If you remember, a way back, the Dalia Lama bless his cotton socks actually joined me on twitter.
I never kid myself.....
I'm not so special that he would click on my twitter page.
Young Frog has lots to answer for.
I still have to work out how he managed it.... have to say I actually read the Dali Lama's tweets now. :-)

Although, being me , I think that if he really came and knocked on Soggibottom Cottage's door, we could teach him a thing or two......
I never said that !
Ha, yes I did....
Lets get back to the toad...

A picture of a toad in my greenhouse wouldn't have got your attention.

Isn't he a smart lad ?

By now you should all know that I collect slugs n snails and relocate them, so the worm just happened to be there. Mr Toad is eating all the things that I really don't want around. He has saved me quite a few steps along to the park at the back of the cottage.

For the squeamish, the worm made himself scarce.
I would love a toad in my greenhouse, and bless him here he is, warts and all.
I wish he would stay, but I left the door open for him, just in case he was bored.

As for Frog .... See you soon..
Hope you all have a really great August Bank Holiday.......
Bears will be back soon, I promise..............................................


  1. LOL - so that was Frog!!!! How clever he is. Love your little greenhouse toad and I hope he stays! My grandpa and I used to collect nightcrawlers for fishing - but I still don't like to handle worms.

  2. Any thing that slithers isn't me either :-)

  3. Aw, I like your little toady frog ! A handsome chap, he is !


  4. I seem to have some frog friends in the garden, but they are tiny ones. Today one hopped out and the dog wanted it, so i put him back in the plants. My dog also has a things for snakes, he likes to shake them. Has your rain stopped? We finally got sun today and now it is going to be too hot again, would like some moderate and warm temps for fall;)


  5. For some reason, we thing that toads are charming. Someone must love them. Your toad is adorable and Frog is quite handsome too.
    Your rain clouds are heading our way. We will see what the out come will be.
    In the meantime nitey nite to Mr Toad

  6. Don't kiss him else he might turn into a Prince - he's handsome enough as he is and I bet he enjoyed yesterday's rain.

  7. He's quite grey! I like it, he looks like a lump of clay XD

    Makes me think of Puddeneen (even though he was a frog).

    American Toads are not a lovely grey... at least not here... they are a brownish color... I will take a picture the next time I see one.

  8. Lovely that you got close enough to take a picture - we have a toad that lives somewhere in the flowerpots...we hear him but rarely see him!

  9. My sister has one that lives in her greenhouse to. We have them here also. Cor! what a racket they make in breeding season.

  10. Brill- totally useful critter to have in the green house. We have one who lives by the leaky waterbutt where the moss thrives. Nice chap. Your's is utterly handsome with his gold eyes. I think he could do with a crown though just in case he is a prince in disguise.


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