Sunday, 1 August 2010

Nellie the Elephant and the village Fayre

Village Fayre time again.

You might be a tad too late by the time you read this to go and visit, but we went.
I didn't quite catch the frolic and fantasy music, it must have happened before we arrived.

It's a great place to meet old friends from around the village.
This is Amie's friend Barney.

You can meet someone you've never met before.

Amie never got to close to the feathers or the beaks.

Have a go and win something.

Listen to the band play...... Ringo's Dad is on the end, happy chap.

Watch juggling.
Some of us were really impressed......

Some of us weren't !

Best of all we loved this old time fair organ playing Nelly the Elephant.
Amie couldn't hear it as she is deaf as a post, but we loved it anyway.


  1. Glad it didn't rain! Looks like you had a good day x

  2. You mean like in Ringo Starr?
    It sure looks like a fun time - lots of variety.

  3. Looks like a fun time was had by all - some more so than others, lol!

  4. Your Village Fyre looks fun but your feathered friends look.... SCARY!

    I also just read your post on poor Hannah. Loosing a pet is so hard but I am sure she had a wonderful life with her family; fur and human.

    <3 Miss Kodee

  5. Amie is so smart to stay away from beaks and feathers. Very smart.
    I can tell everyone had a great time.

  6. That looks so fun and lots of interesting things to do.
    I haven't been to a fair in ages.


  7. I love a village fair!! I'm laughing here as when I started up your little Nellie the Elephant video, Clovis leapt up out of the sofa like a scalded cat and came to see what the noise was!

  8. lokks like you all had a great day out. I love the fair organ. John would love the owl

  9. Looks like a fun day, I think it's great you could take Amie along, so many organised events ban dogs. And we just can't get away from those elephants, can we?! :-)

  10. Looks like ou all had a wonderful day out!

  11. Your Amie has sooo much personality. :)

    I'd stay away from talons and beaks too. Very smart.


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