Monday, 5 April 2010

Three blogs in one.

Hope you have all had a really great Easter.

We had visitors.

Rebbecca's way round and Sparky Brand made a visit to Soggibottom this weekend.

As you see Amie has know Sparky Brand for quite a while.

Amie isn't a speed and sports car girl anymore.

Amie's quite happy to let others enjoy the privilege.
Amie likes to wear her ears up when out in a soft top anyway.


  1. Wow! Speedie Amie :) Her ears must flow in the wind :)

  2. So glad to see Amie was up for some company. Looks like you have great weather.

  3. Dear Amie with your ears flopping in the wind- you are sooo adorable sitting in that little sporty car.
    Look at your little face just glimmer.
    I hope the Easter Bunny hippity hopped over to see you. I noticed bunnys on your side bar- so I bet the Easter Bunnny did come, and then he signed his signature/

  4. She fits that car perfectly, lol.
    Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.


  5. Looks like Amie had a lovely bank hol weekend. I hope it perked her up no end.

  6. That is just tooooooooooo cute.. Looks of contentment on that sweet face... Wonderful... Fun... Thanks...

  7. Ooh nice car! Go get 'em, Amie - she's so adorable!


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