Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The Totnes Growler

We made a quick visit to Totnes this morning to find a new growler for you know who.

Driving along Dartmoor looked great from a distance, thought you might enjoy the scene.

Quiet in Totnes. The growler shop is further up and past the arch.
The Tudor house opposite the van is the museum. In case you ever need to know.

Back home. It snowed again......

I put the wood wool away.
Growler is in place along side his original that hardly let out a purr.

Now he has a voice he is getting slightly pushy.
Climbing on the furniture.

Watching far too much television..... Might be getting spoilt....


  1. I loved the photo of Dartmoor and Totnes looks like a very interesting place.
    Teddy is certainly lucky to have landed at Soggibottom bear hospital. He is getting a new lease on life. I admire your skills.

  2. So nice to see how beautiful your area is! And glad your bear has his growler back! :-)

  3. See I knew he would be in good shape in no time with you! The pics are lovely! I so wish to visit someday! Have fun in the snow, we have rain and cold today!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. Lovely views and pics of Totnes.

  5. Totnes - I just like the name. Looks like a place I'd love to visit too! Tell Teddy no growling at the tv. Although I do it all the time.

  6. He is looking so much happier will all the love and care you are giving him. Yes he is going to be spoiled;)


  7. Oh he is looking sooo much better now that he has had a bath and some new paint! Poor little guy. It's so sad to see such wonderful toys grow old and worn but it only means (we hope) that they have been well loved. I bet he is pleased with his new growler!

  8. Oh he can turn his head? I loved the pictures and Teddy is recovering very quickly :)

  9. Totnes looks great.

    Long may the spoiling of teddy continue

  10. Nooo! Keep him away from the TV, it will rot his brain! (Then you'll have to go buy a new one of those too)

  11. The pic of Dartmoor reminds me of 'Hound of the Baskervilles' and the Grimpen Mire!

    As for 'The Totnes Growler' (as I shall now think of him), he seems to have a definite military bearing and would look good on horseback methinks!


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