Thursday, 28 January 2010

Yellow and Tabby Cat

When I was small I never had any pets.
I waited until I was old enough to rebel and have as many as I could afford to feed.

I used to borrow our neighbour's cat and dress him up in doll's clothes.

The Soggibottom Bear has a new jumper, Mew was lucky enough to try it on first.
Before you wonder my other hand is holding onto the rest of the bulk of tabby cat.

It looks better on the bear than on Mew, yellow just isn't her colour...........


  1. I love the colors on that sweater - beautiful! I think Mew and the bear both look cute in it!

  2. The jumper may look better on Soggibottom Bear (it fits perfectly) but I think Mew modelling it is adorable.

  3. Mew modelling the sweater reminds me of the dressing up fun we had as kids with our dog. She was very patient until we tried to add earrings...

  4. I love this. I didn't think anything could cheer me up today (not feeling well) but here you come to the rescue again, without even knowing it. <3


  5. Super jumper!

    I used to dress our cat and dog up when I was little. They didn't like bonnets much. I got bitten and scratched quite a bit!

  6. Hi Michelle,thanks for dropping by my blog, it's always nice to "meet" someone new. My husband's dream would be to live where you are, he's a transplanted, homesick Pom! It is pretty and when we were there in August 2008, pretty and WET, so green!

  7. AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Mew looks ADORABLE! There was an old Eloise Wilkins book I used to read to my brother, about a little girl who dressed up her cat....Mew has the SAME sweet expression!
    It does look better on Bear, but Mew is so darling anything would look good!

  8. I Think Mew looks great! I am so glad you enjoy your furbabies!! I too got one as soon as I could! The jumper looks great on Soggibottom Bear too!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. That is so funny, he does not look like he enjoys being dressed, lol.


  10. Aaaah a cat in a sweater! She's funny! I tried dressing cats up too. NMost of them fall down and refuse to go :)

  11. The jumper is lovely great colours.
    When my daughter was little we had a grey kitten called Dilley ( cricket player) she used to dress him up in dolls clothes.

    Soggibottom bear is going to look great sitting in the window

  12. I like the sweater, it's a very strange pattern... I like things that are asymmetrical in design!

    ... as for Mew...

    She looks so resigned to her fate in the first picture, it just cracked me up.

  13. Woof! Actually LOVE it! Just a little big ... maybe they make a snuggie cat. Happy Friday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  14. The expression on your cat's face says it all....cute jumper though.
    Thanks for the link to my blog giveaway - still not many takers for a piece of free artwork however!

  15. with love from Mew Cat30 January 2010 at 15:07

    I don't think it is really my colour, but thanks for all your comments ladies and all four paws. I don't think I will ever have a job on the cat walk...but I can dream x x x

  16. Love the look of indignation on Mew's face. Gemma has tried dressing up Stan but he's just not a dress up dog

    Love and hugs Gina xx


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