Wednesday, 6 January 2010


We wondered what we would wake up to this morning.....ah...snow fairy....

The stream is there somewhere.

Like most of the U.K. we are snow watching.

Really picturesque.

Birds have been fed.
The neighbour's ginger cat is on his own side of the bridge.

The garden has gone to sleep.
From light snow fall this morning, now the snow is falling heavily.
Lots of snowball fights outside the cottage keeping us entertained.
I'm quite happy to watch from inside.....have fun everyone.
Most of all keep warm and safe.


  1. Oh it's beautiful!

    Keep inside and take care!!!

    I love the last bears of 2009 :)

  2. Snow is truly beautiful to look at but can be treacherous to drive and walk on. Looks like you have more than us. Our trees are not covered and we just got light dusting for most of yesterday. Sweep, sweep, not shovel, shovel.
    I love Soggibottom's touque and sweater - blue and white. It's the colours of the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team.

  3. It is quite picturesque at first... until it is trampled through and played in... lol! 8-)

  4. I love a fresh snowfall- especially when it melts soon after, lol. Stay warm and toasty today, dear Midge!

  5. the snow looks lovely and the bears snug

  6. The snow pics are just wonderful! It really looks like a winter wonderland!

  7. How pretty it looks! I didn't know the Soggibottom Bear was a Preston North End supporter!

    Did you make the snowman? Our snow is fluffy and won't stick together very well. Cheap snow, I guess.

    Stay cosy you bears!

  8. Thanks for your visit and comments.
    We got about an inch of snow today and it does look pretty when you don't have to go out!
    The Soggibottom bear looks well wrapped up!

  9. Hi guys, yep...think we have cheap snow too ha ha.... x x x
    Hope it's so cheap that it flys off the shelf quickly.
    x x x

  10. Been catching up with you and your bears, Polar Bear should be feeling right at home judging by your photos of the Great Outdoors! The photos are gorgeous, and the ones of your walk on the beach equally so. I love a beach in winter, and love that we are close enough to the sea to walk the beach during storms and on bright winter days. Like your new banner too!

  11. It's all so beautiful. :)

  12. I need a recipe for your soup!! What beautiful pictures!! Looks like confectionary sugar!!

  13. mandygHow beautiful! I love fresh snow on the ground. It's so lovely. Your snowman is so cute! I think the next time it snows I am going to make one and post it on my sidebar LOL He made me giggle when I saw him. Your little dog is just precious ♥ Stay warm.

  14. The snow looks beautiful and love the stuffed gang watching out the window.


  15. We have snow too!I have an idea. I would like to make you something as a late Christmas present (and to be proud for the rest of my life that my "something" is in your cottage :)because I love your country (though never been there) and especially old traditions and those who keep them. Is your bear big? It seems he is wearing real glasses, so he must be rather big...

  16. You have just enough snow to be picturesque - lovely photos. We have far too much of the stuff - walking to get a paper today might be a case of 'I'm going out now, I may be some time.....'

  17. It really is very pretty, just like a fairytale .

  18. Love the snow fairy's hair

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


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