Friday, 27 November 2009

Shelf Life

I'm busy making bears.

I have so many odd bits of mohair hanging around from larger bruins that I'm getting tougher on myself to use up the left overs.

The two little guys here are made from mohair that normally I would dump into my scrap box.

I keep every bit of mohair that's left over because.....I never know when I might need it!!!!!

SQUIRREL..... time for a clear out, with luck I'll be able to get into the cupboard under the stairs again. If you notice the clock above the fire has the same time on it since it was on here before. It probably has as we tend to forget to wind it up.....just in case anyone notices.........


  1. They're the nicest 'made-from-left-overs' bears I've ever seen!

  2. Ah thank you guy's.....there not finished yet....will show you again when they are x x x

  3. they are so cute. "Thank goodness for scraps we get to show our great personality" they are saying

  4. Aww they're just precious!! Leave it to you to be perfectly resourceful and create these from scraps. And everyone tries to convince me to give up my pack-rat ways! Savers like us will always have things left to use when everyone else has thrown it away. :)

  5. Those bears are ADORABLE!!! Clever you to use up the scraps! Oh my gosh I love their expressions.

  6. These two bears are sooo cute. Amazing what you can do with some scraps, eh?
    And I noticed that Soggibottom bear is wearing my favourite colour too - blue.

  7. They are lovely, love the one on the left :0


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