Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Which one would you rather have?


  1. Marvellous transformation.

  2. great story, well done. how wonderful it is now.
    great posts, thanks

  3. I wonder how it looked inside back then. What kind of curtains and tea towels did the lady of the house put out, and all those curious questions. I wonder how ladies back then decorated their homes! I bet it was as cozy inside as it looks now, even if it used to look a bit ragged on the outside.

  4. Thanks ladies. I really struggled after posting the pics of the house. To say that this was always a working house is probably about right. Not quite the quaint tea and cakes stuff of the romantics. At one time it had a thatch and it still has original oak beams. One thing that did strike me, hearing of the "other people" that lived here during the last century. Our informant always remembered them fondly as really great people, except a guy called "happy Hawkins". Bit of a misery like me!


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