Saturday, 24 January 2009

Great British Bird Watch Today

This is the second year that we have taken part in the bird watch.
Wish we had seen more birds this year, but we think that a Ginger cat and our neighbours unkempt tree hasn't helped.
Unkempt tree should be great for the birds, but young Ginger (not a friend of Franks) takes to hiding in the tree ready to pounce. We think the birds are wary. Shame.......
Neighbours - CUT YOUR TREE BACK....... no good feeding the birds if you are also feeding the cat..........


  1. I know how you feel. I just posted an entry about hawks feeding on our feeding birds.

  2. We have a watch like this that the Audobon Society does, on Christmas Day I believe. Probably why I've never done it!..We think this is a very good time of year for hawks...Have seen many this past week or so, and some in busy residential areas as well as in the countryside.


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