Thursday, 31 July 2008

George and Steven Seagull


  1. Are they brothers?

  2. once when i was in north wales on my birthday with my friends, my swiss friend phil saw a seagull and said 'ah, steven seagull'. i found it so funny that i laughed tears for a good few minutes. your post title reminded me of this and gave me a brief moment of joy.

    i wont mention the bit about shooting the seagull in the head with a BB gun. (i didnt really do that).

    May I draw your attention to the comments on this news item: they really are quite funny.

  3. my intense apologies, the link didnt work in the previous post. Type surrey marksman pigeon cull into google and its the top item.

  4. Umm..... they are seagulls....hey I know a really good guy who does glasses.

  5. anonymous, are you suggesting that people can't stray from one topic to another loosely related one without the pedantic police coming knocking?


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