Sunday 25 August 2013

Freya Rose Blossom's portrait.

It's such a pleasure to show a new addition heading for Soggibottom's cottage wall.
Freya Rose Blossom's portrait painted by our very talented friend Caroline.

This is exactly the way Freya looks when she sits in the back seat of our car in her own special place, strapped in safely. Freya tends to look straight ahead, so she can see the road in front.

Freya's portrait isn't the only art we have that was painted by Caroline.
This is a portrait of Mew, our dear ol tabby cat.
I struggle with a paint brush to paint a wall which makes me rather envious of all artists who have such talent. Caroline has more of her beautiful art over on her blog Uniqart.

Update about the new flood relief water course. As you can see it's coming along. So much for the dead line of it all taking 16 weeks. It started way back in February we are well past the dead line.  Even we can see things are at last taking shape now.

We take every opportunity to escape the noise and dust especially when the sun shines. Last week we headed on over to one of our favorite beaches Slapton Sands.  No dust, no noise, perfect bliss with only the sound of gentle waves lapping the beach.

Instead of driving home along the country lanes we called into Dartmouth to catch the ferry home.

Although Freya is strapped in she can still move around enough to catch sight of any ponies that we might pass or the sights that can be seen when half way across the river Dart on the car ferry.

Freya can be found over at the Cat Flap Cavalier as usual. This week she is advertising a very bespoke beach front property in South Devon.

Hope everyone has a great August Bank Holiday. We have one extra day of peace and quiet and are making the most of it :-) xxx


Joanna said...

Freya's portrait is beautiful. I'm sure it captures her the way you know her. Lovely pictures of your area again.

Unknown said...

Love the portrait. So pretty like its' subject. Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Gorgeous portraits!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh my gosh- what a beautiful Portrait of Freya Rose Blossom!
The artist Caroline captured Freya's personality and her spirit! This portrait is beyond amazing, and also the portrait of Mew.
Oh we know you are so proud to hang these on your wall!

The beach where you go is sooo beautiful. Its great that your getaway is not too far away- and you can escape at times until the peacefulness at Soggibottom returns- and it will someday!

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful pawtraits! LOL! Awwww seriously - Freya and Mew on canvas are lovely!

Another fab name - Slapton Sands!

The water course does look like it's finally happening! The light at the end of this one looks brighter and nearer! Take care

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The portait is simply beautiful!!! An excellent likeness to adorable Freya Rose.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

WoolenSails said...

Those are beautiful portraits, she does a wonderful job on capturing them. I love ferry rides, looks like a nice way to spend the day.


~Laurie~ said...

The portrait is just beautiful!!!!!

Allie said...

Oh Midge - that portrait of Freya is glorious!!!! Caroline is extremely talented! And yes, I owe you an email, believe me I'm working on it - I miss you so much!!!

Duke said...

Both of the portraits are just gorgeous!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Christine said...

Freya's portrait is beautiful! Give this sweet girl a hug from me!

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

That is beautiful! I really want someday (sigh I keep saying it) to get a painting of my dogs. You would think with all the photos I take I have at least gotten a large one printed... not.

*Cough* Frankie and I are waiting for his portrait you know!