Thursday, 31 May 2012
Friday, 25 May 2012
Hawk Moth, Toadstools and Geese
We don't find hawk moths very often in the cottage. I only went to move the dust around and found more than I expected. We think it's a Hawk Moth, but if anyone knows different, please let us know.
Luckily, this one wasn't hard to catch and put back outside quite unharmed and where he should have been. We think he probably sneaked in through the window during the night.
Maybe like the geese and their goslings he's come out of hiding during the beautiful weather we've had here in Devon over the last week.
The geese are normally to be found here in the wildlife reserve at Dawlish Warren, this is always such a beautiful scene that I have to show you again, I know somewhere in back post you can see the same scene.
It's not just geese that are found in the nature reserve, this is a huge toadstool.... haven't a clue what it's called but it's big and probably not to be touched.
It's hard to believe that the reserve is right beside the beach.
The beach has it's own wildlife.There are somethings you can touch and somethings you shouldn't touch, even on the beach, like this jelly fish that has been washed ashore.
We've been having trouble connecting to the Internet, the reason why Soggibottom has been very quiet this week..
Freya is never quiet, except when she is on the beach. She had a good birthday on Sunday, with a trip to the beach and ice cream. Only a couple of licks as she is watching her weight. Thanks to everyone for all her birthday wishes. How can a year have gone by so quickly ?
As always you can find Freya over at the CATFLAP CAVALIER.
Saturday, 19 May 2012
There are only so many things you can say about swans. But Freya at a year old, that's different !
Here she is, our one year old Ruby Cavalier, Freya Rose Blossom
Mean, to pin a Birthday Girl badge on her collar to take a photo. Although, when it was on she took on a whole new look.
Not sure if she really minded.
Freya has been at the cottage since she was 12 weeks old. She has her own personality. She is a fun loving, giving, dirty pawed, sand digging, beach loving, no gardener, kid lover, cat lover, ice cream queen, cat food lover if she can get at it....
She's sneaky.
She share's.
See what I mean.... ?
She doesn't follow in another's paws, she is who she is.
We love her for it...
Freya is over at her blog CATFLAP CAVALIER.... drama queen, beach babe...... X X X . No one has yet taught her how to actually use the CATFLAP !
Thursday, 17 May 2012
The black swans of Dawlish and Freya Rose Blossom
We've not been up to anything fantastic this week, dawdling around Dawlish and taking a certain mutt to the beach have been the highlights.
It's been too wet and too cold. I thought it was supposed to be May.
As Freya seemed far too interested in the swans on the river Dart last week and wanted to get up close and far too personal, we thought it would be a good idea to introduce her to some that are used to people and dogs.Just like to add that Freya was on her lead at all times around the water birds.
The little town of Dawlish in South Devon has a wide water way that goes straight down the middle and divides the town, ideal for water birds of all description. Their favourite food is lettuce and brown bread. At least that is what the sign said. Although they probably all get a good share of other things that aren't so good for them.
Dawlish is known for it's black swans. They are really native of Australia, brought over to Dawlish by John Nash a guy who was borne in Dawlish and then emigrated to New Zealand.
The swans are known as a pest in Australia, not so in Dawlish, they have been the town's emblem for over 40 years. I promise there is more than one, the rest were asleep and weren't interested in the camera.
It's always a good idea to introduce your pup to new things slowly and always make sure when you do, your pup is under control at all times.
We all know where Freya would rather be, you can see her over on her blog the catflap cavalier.
Lots of running around and even a video.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Surfboard, bucket and paws
Everywhere we look there are Union Jack Flags flying around this year.
I never made this one, but thought it looked great flapping in the wind.
There so many photo's we took when we were in Cornwall last Friday, it seems a shame not to share some of them.
One of the best things about where we live in Devon is that some of the best Cornish beaches are only a short drive away.
If your a surf lover it's a surfers paradise.
If your an artist, it's an artist's heaven, the light always seems slightly brighter on the Cornish Coast.
We go there because we love the scenery and a certain pup loves a good digging beach, the only thing missing on her visits to Cornwall .... her own surf board...
Thanks for all the support from my last post. I'm sure given time, the vet nurse will be a credit to the surgery. (Although she won't be practising her people skills on two Soggibottom inhabitants again)..
Freya was back over on her own coastal side of the West Country yesterday. Sunday morning coffee beside the beach. You can see her as always, on Catflap Cavalier just HERE
Sunday, 13 May 2012
That Star called VENUS .... We all know Venus is a planet... don't we.....
This is about as far as our camera goes.
It's Venus. At the moment looking out a window of the cottage to the West, there she is clear and bright... I have to admit she does look like a bright star, we all know the difference between a star and a planet don't we ?
VENUS IS A PLANET..............
It's became a family joke about the star called Venus over the years that we have lived here in Devon, or at least since the boat trip around the bay..
Forgive me, I have to relay this story.
One night on a Summer's boat party a few years ago, a woman behind me,trying to impress the whole boat about her knowledge of the night sky..... ( I was closer than most so nearly choked on the drink in my hand, I was probably driving, so my drink on that night was non alcoholic).
Oh, look, there is the star called VENUS !
The star, called Venus ?
Maybe better leave it there.... I know Mark is laughing as he reads this because he was there too and overheard the conversation.He probably thought his mum would never tell it........... I have ...... aren't mum's great ?
I've been reminded that no one has seen bears on here for a while...
It's red, white and blue year, so I have been working on it.
Mark and Becca brought me 2 meters of red, white and blue material from Brighton a few weeks. Now how is it that my kids know what I love best............ ?
I'm working on how many things I can make with 2 metres of material.
I work in yards and inches and meters and cms. I'm not clever enough that both my hands can work independently on their own accordingly and both do different things............ Wish they could, but I have been working hard on two metres of material. Hands work when they can !
There would be a time Freya used to close her eye's as I took her photo, she would disappear....WHAT a
Camera Queen she now is !
Freya was invited to an adolescent check up from our vet last Tuesday. She is nearly a year old.
20th May, how can time go by so quickly..?
Our visit to the vet nurse in Totnes didn;t go as well as it should have but we smiled.... delete that... I didn't,
I tried hard. hummmmmm.
I love my other half, not just because he used to visit Battersea dogs home and park his real ambulance in the vet ambulance bay, but he has seen all and knows all... hum... don;t I just love him for it..Never brought a dog home from Battersea though.. I am still waiting..... He still has time...
The only thing the vet nurse couldn't pick us up for on our visit to the surgery in Totnes was the fact that Freya had been spayed and micro chipped.
Other wise according to the vet nurse we the worst ever and bad dog owners !
A bit like that star called Venus .......methinks !
Considering we have both loved and cherished our pets, dogs /cats/rabbits/hamsters/snails(don't ask about the snails) guinea pigs.... what ever comes along in wild life for a very, very long time (not telling you, cos it will tell you how old we both are)...
I forget to mention hedgehogs, rats, pigeons, birds of all descriptions... any stray mouse (FRANKIE DE TABBY'S)
There are times when I really admire my blogger friends and the work they do, LISA your my star .......
Lisa is a vet nurse.. I promise I won't add a smilie here. Lisa's blog is so guarded that I can't give anyone a link....TRIED HARD FAILED !
For all my other blogger friend's out there you all have your own special talents.
Most of all, you all, keep me sane ... smilie coming :-) X X X
Freya was out and about n Cornwall yesterday.
Poor pup.........
This photo of Freya Rose Blossom is the best yet I have ever seen.
It reminds me of other Al Freskie days,
Freya is different from Ames. Just as it should be...
I read a while ago that at one time there were only 7 Cavaliers left and the ones we see today are all descended from them... Freya isn't a Cavalier King Charles like Amie, She is pure Cavalier.. there is a difference...
You can find FREYA ROSE BLOSSOM over at her blog the
CATFLAP CAVALIER... as usual ....
We have busy weekend ahead, what ever your up to, hope you put your arm around your special four legged friend and know how lucky you feel that your part of their lives............ COS EVERY DAY COUNTS x x x
For you and for them x x x
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
What comes after all the rain.......
The sun and a clear bright blue day. Here are our red fields of Devon..... with Dartmoor in the background.
Living where we do, Dartmoor is always in the background if you can climb a hill... Devon is a very hilly county. You need some puff to walk around here, not a place to live for the faint hearted.
After all the rain we've had down in the South West of England, the first of May , it's MAY DAY, and it's a bright clear rain free day...
This is our favourite dog walking beach. Today, littered with the remnants of the storms.
There must have been something good to eat out there or the gulls wouldn't have bothered. Fish and Chips aren't their staple diet normally. They tend to show off for all the tourist that visit.
Apart from the shell fish washed ashore there might have been a tasty shoal of fish close by.
The reason why this little boat was so close to the shore line. Braver than us !
The currents around here aren't very gracious, you have to respect the sea. No matter where you are in the world. The Devon Coastline can be a downfall if you don't know what your doing or where you are.
When the tide is coming in, best to make for higher ground. On this beach there is a nature reserve on one side the beach. The best of both worlds.
Dogs have to be on a lead which is only right, so much wild life, it's a shame to disturb other visitors.
Think of how many miles these guys have travelled, it's a wise member of their family who brought them here, it's reasonably safe.
She is innocent I promise you ........
Just luvs ducks.
She did eat a bee last year, but she was only a pup, so she was forgiven. Here are a couple of bee's, on one of our bee boxes this afternoon. .We have so many bee boxes around. We need bee's.
With luck, because of the bee's we might get more than one apple from our apple tree this year...
Amie Soto Blossom and Mew are right under the apple blossom.. May day is about the beauty of Spring and the Summer to wasn't Amie's colour...
So many flowers are starting to bloom in our garden, they needed water, so I can't moan about the water and rain.. Hey blogger seems your getting better too..
Hint guys, hold the cursor over your pic when your downloading.. don;t move it..let it upload until a pic comes on the screen, then keep clicking..
It works.... click, click, click............
Freya has been housebound because of our weather over the last few days, she isn't the kind of pup that likes being inside.........As always you can find her at her blog Catflap Cavalier. .... just give her paws time to actually hit the keyboard........... she has a struggle, good job she has sharp claws..............
The cottage has been so very busy over the last few weeks, sincere sorry for not blogging properly and visiting.. ....
You will be visited by Soggibottom Cottage I PROMISE.. x x x